DOI : 10.1055/s-00000058

Planta Medica

Ausgabe 05 · Volume 78 · März 2012 DOI: 10.1055/s-002-22901

11th Annual Oxford International Conference on the Science of Botanicals (ICBS)
Oxford, Mississippi, April 16–19, 2012

Presidents: Ikhlas A. Khan, Ph.D. – Larry A. Walker, Ph.D. – Editors: Troy J. Smillie, Ph.D. – Jon F. Parcher, Ph.D.

Lata, H; Chandra, S; Wang, YH; Moraes, RM; ElSohly, MA; Khan, IA: In Vitro Propagation and Metabolic Profiling of Elite Stevia rebaudiana Bert. Plants
Chandra, S; Mehmedic, Z; Lata, H; Khan, IA; ElSohly, MA: Biomass Yield Studies of Field Cultivated Cannabis sativa L. Plants
Kalinowska, M; Piekut, J; Świsłocka, R; Skibicki, J; Zjawiony, J; Lewandowski, W: Physicochemical and Microbiological Studies of Gold Milenium Apples
Piekut, J; Świsłocka, R; Bagiñska, A; Kalinowska, M; Zjawiony, J; Lewandowski, W: Botanical and physicochemical evaluation of natural bee honey from Poland
Kalinowska, M; Isidorov, V; Zjawiony, J; Lewandowski, W: Evaluation of phenolic compounds extraction from Gold Milenium apples
Raman, V; Galal, A; Weerasooriya, A; Khan, IA: Comparative Anatomy of Four Species of Piper (Piperaceae)
Galal, A; Radwan, MM; Ahmed, S; Slade, D; Gul, W; Khan, SI; Ross, S; ElSohly, MA: Bioactive Products from Singlet Oxygen Photooxygenation of Δ9-THC, Δ8-THC, And Δ9-THC-Acid-A
Zulfiqar, F; Ross, S; Slade, D; Ahmed, S; Radwan, MM; Ali, Z; Khan, IA; ElSohly, MA: Cannabisol, a Novel Δ9-THC Dimer Possessing a Unique Methylene Bridge, Isolated from Cannabis sativa
Ibrahim, AK; Foad, R; Radwan, MM; Ross, S; Hassanean, H; Ahmed, S: Chemical and Biological Investigations of the Red Sea Grass Thallasodendron ciliatum
Abo-El-Magd, M; Radwan, MM; Tekwani, BL; El-Fishawy, A; Said, A; Hawas, U; Ross, S: A New Fatty Alcohol from Terminalia arjuna Leaves with Antileishmanial Activity
Wang, X; Radwan, MM; Gao, J; Tarawneh, AH; Wedge, DE; Cutler, HG; Cutler, S: Bioactive Metabolites from Cladosporium cladosporioides Against Plant Pathogens
Kumarihamy, M; Khan, SI; Ferreira, D; Croom Jr, EM; Duke, SO; Nanayakkara, NPD: Antimalarials from an Unidentified Plant Pathogenic Fungus Isolated from Torreya taxifolia
Hereath, HMTB; Tekwani, BL; Nanayakkara, NPD: Antileishmanial Activity of Fire Ant Venom Alkaloids
Dharmaratne, HRW; Tekwani, BL; Jacob, MR; Nanayakkara, NPD: Anti Microbial and Antileishmanial Active Acetogenins from Avacado (Persea americana) Fruits
Clement, J; Torgerson, J; Looney, P; Faulkner, S; DeWald, L: Variations in Alkaloid Concentrations in Wild-harvested Goldenseal from Western North Carolina
Idris, A; Radwan, MM; Kozhamkulova, Z; Gadetskaya, A; Zhusupova, G; Abilov, Z; Williamson, J; Ross, S: Microbial Biotransformation of 5,7,2',4',5-pentahydroxyflavon-3-ol from Limonium myrianthum
Chittiboyina, A; Yifru, N; Peddikotla, P; Khan, IA: Synthetic Studies Towards Caulophyllumine and its Derivatives
Chittiboyina, A; Rotte, S; Yalamanchili, C; Smillie, TJ; Khan, IA: Sterioselective Synthesis of S(-) Equol
Chittiboyina, A; Peddikotla, P; Khan, IA: Synthesis of Pterostilbene by Julia-olefination
Mustafa, J; Khan, SI; Ahmad, M; Al-Rehaily, A; Khan, IA: Ferulic Acid Fatty Esters Synthesis: Physical and Biochemical Characteristics
Zou, JY; Li, QW; Liu, BB; Ou, YW; Wang, W; Chen, SH: Chemical Constituents of Pileostegia viburnoides var. glabrescens
Queiroz, SCN; Cantrell, CL; Duke, SO; Nandula, V; Moraes, RM; Cerdeira, AL: Bioassay-Directed Isolation and Identification of Phytotoxic Terpenoids from Horseweed (Conyza Canadensis)
Avonto, C; Zhao, J; Wang, M; Avula, B; Wang, YH; Smillie, TJ; Khan, IA: New Compounds from German Chamomile, Matricaria chamomilla
Zhao, J; Avonto, C; Wang, M; Avula, B; Wang, YH; Smillie, TJ; Khan, IA: Phytochemical Investigation of Chamomile
Wang, M; Avula, B; Wang, YH; Zhao, J; Avonto, C; Tabanca, N; Parcher, JF; Smillie, TJ; Khan, IA: Analytical Investigation of Roman and German Chamomile Essential Oils
Li, FF; Li, LZ; Hong, LL; Liu, ZX; Song, SJ: Systematic Studies on Chemical Constituents from Daphne genkwa
Lui, E; Hou, J; Zhong, K; Hu, J; Barrett, B; Sakuma, T; Seto, C; Ellis, R; Ramagiri, S: Pharmacometabonomics of Ginseng Extracts on Vascular Injury Induced by Chronic Homocysteine Treatment.
Lu, EI; Hou, J; Zhong, K; Hu, J; Barrett, B; Sakuma, T; Seto, C; Ellis, R; Ramagiri, S: Ginseng Metabolism Study using Hybrid Quadrupole Linear Ion Trap (QqLIT)
Lei, ZD; Huang, Y; Lei, ZJ; Wang, W; Xia, XH: Preliminary Serum Pharmacochemistry Study on Shuxiong Tablets
Astarita, G; Isaac, G; Langridge, J: Plant Lipidomics using UPLC Coupled to Ion Mobility MS
Li, GQ; Kim, EJY; Huang, JQ; Chen, Y; Li, KM; Razmovski-Naumovski, V; Poon, J; Chan, K; Roufogalis, B; McLachlan, A: Development of a Database and Authentication Methods for Toxic and Scheduled Chinese Herbs
Vasquez, Y; Zhao, J; Khan, SI; Gupta, MP; Khan, IA: Bioactive Compounds from Talisia nervosa with PPAR α and γ Activation Activity.
Zhang, J; Rahman, AA; Jain, SK; Tekwani, BL; Khan, SI; Jacob, MR; Muhammad, I: Antimicrobial and Antiparastic Abietane Diterpenoids from Cupressus sempervirens
Murphy, CC; Demirci, B; Tabanca, N; Ali, A; Becnel, JJ; Sampson, BJ; Wedge, DE; Başer, KHC; Khan, IA: Chemical Composition of Rose-Scented Pelargonium Essential Oils and Their Biting Deterrence and Insecticidal Activity
Tabanca, N; Demirci, B; Kiyan, HT; Ali, A; Bernier, UR; Wedge, DE; Khan, IA; Başer, KHC: Repellent and Larvicidal Activity of Ruta graveolens Essential Oil and its Major Individual Constituents Against Aedes aegypti
Dale, O; Ma, G; Gemelli, C; Husni, A; McCurdy, C; Avery, BA; Leon, JF; Furr, EB; Manly, SP; Cutler, S: Effects of Mitragynine and its Derivatives on Human Opioid Receptors (Delta, Kappa, and Mu)
Husni, A; Ross, S; Dale, O; Gemelli, C; Ma, G; Manly, SP; ElSohly, MA; Cutler, S: In Vitro Activity of Phytocannabinoids from High Potency Cannabis sativa
Chaurasiya, ND; Lewellyn, K; Bialonska, D; Zjawiony, J; Tekwani, BL: Mechanism and Kinetics of Inhibition of Human MAO A and B by Aplysinopsin Analogs
Jain, SK; Sahu, R; Zhang, J; Jacob, MR; Li, XC; Ilias, M; Jeffries, C; Shelat, A; Bryan, J; Tu, Y; Guy, RK; Walker, L; Tekwani, BL: New Antileishmanial Drug Leads from a Library of Natural Product Fractions Prepared by a High Throughput Fractionation Paradigm*
Koshak, A; Alfaleh, A; Abdel-Sattar, E; Koshak, E: Medicinal Plants in the Holy Quran and their Therapeutic Benefits
Ma, G; Kaplanciklia, ZA; Dale, O; Altıntop, MD; Turan-Zitouni, G; Tabanca, N; Gemelli, C; Husni, A; Pasco, DS; Cutler, S; Manly, SP: Identification of Hydrazone Derivatives as Cannabinoid Receptor Inverse Agonists
Jain, GK; Pathan, SA; Zaidi, SMA; Vohora, D; Kumar, N; Bhatnagar, A; Ahmad, FJ; Khar, RK: Mucoadhesive Nanoemulsion of Safranal for the Treatment of Epilepsy
Zhang, X; Jacob, MR; Rao, RR; Wang, YH; Agarwal, A; Khan, IA; Clark, A; Li, XC: Antifungal Cyclic Peptides from the Marine Sponge Microscleroderma sp.
Rajbhandari, R; Keeton, AB; Piazza, GA; Barnes, S; Prasain, JK: Cranberry Metabolites that Inhibit Growth of Human Bladder Cancer Cells
Ogbadoyi, EO; Bello, MU; Ilumi, JY; Hassan, IB; Bola, BM; Salawu, OA: In Vivo Antiplasmodial and Antitrypanosomal Efficacy of Extracts of Morinda lucida Benth
Jones, MD; Avula, B; Yu, K; Wang, YH; Wang, M; Moore, D; Potts, W; Khan, IA: Sample Comparison of Chamomile by Chemical Profiling using UPSFC/MS
Wang, M; Chittiboyina, A; Avula, B; Zhao, J; Tabanca, N; Wang, YH; Weerasooriya, A; Parcher, JF; Khan, IA: Analytical Investigation of Commercial Geranium Oils from Pelargonium graveolens L'Hér
Wang, YH; Avula, B; Wang, M; Nanayakkara, NPD; Khan, IA: Differentiation of Four Cinnamomum Species using UPLC-QTOF MSE and MarkerLynx™ XS
Tarawneh, AH; Radwan, MM; Wang, X; Dale, O; Husni, A; Manly, SP; Cutler, HG; Cutler, S: Fatty Acids with In Vitro Binding Affinity for Human Opioid Receptors from the Fungus UK-101