DOI: 10.1055/s-00035024

Thrombosis and Haemostasis

Issue 01 · Volume 09 · 1963 DOI: 10.1055/s-008-40266

Originalarbeiten — Original Articles — Travaux Originaux

Riddle, Jeanne M.; Bernstein, Maurice H.; Seegers, Walter H.: Ultrastructure of Prothrombin and Thrombin Molecules
Caldwell, M June; von Kaulla, Kurt N; von Kaulla, Edith; Seegers, Walter H: Procoagulant Material From Human Urine in Prothrombin Activation
Loeliger, E. A; van der Esch, B; Mattern, M. J; den Brabander, A. S. A: Behaviour of Factors II, VII, IX, and X during Long-Term Treatment with Coumarin
Thomas, Duncan P; Wessler, Stanford; Reimer, Stanley M: The Relation of Factors XII, XI, and IX to Hypercoagulable States
Amery, A; Maes, H; Vermylen, J; Verstraete, M: The Streptokinase Reactivity Test. I. Standardization

Symposien — Conferences — Conférences

Seegers, Walter H; Anderson, Gordon F; Holmes, Edward L: Eleventh Annual Symposium on Blood

Vorläufige Mitteilungen — Preliminary Report — Communications Préliminaires