DOI: 10.1055/s-00035024

Thrombosis and Haemostasis

Ausgabe 10 · Volume 112 · 2014 DOI: 10.1055/s-008-36038

Letters to the Editor

Ogawa, Yoshiyuki; Mihara, Masahiro; Souri, Masayoshi; Yanagisawa, Kunio; Hayashi, Toshimasa; Kobayashi, Nobuhiko; Shimizu, Hiroaki; Iriuchishima, Hirono; Ishizaki, Takuma; Handa, Hiroshi; Osaki, Tukasa; Nojima, Yoshihisa; Ichinose, Akitada: Complete remission achieved by steroid pulse therapy following rituximab treatment in a case with autoimmune haemorrhaphilia due to anti-factor XIII antibodies
Lehmann, Thomas; Hofer, Katharina E.; Baumann, Michael; Hasler, Karin; Ceschi, Alessandro; Kupferschmidt, Hugo; Rohde, Gabriele; Korte, Wolfgang: Massive human rivaroxaban overdose
Barco, Stefano; Coppens, Michiel; van den Dool, Erik-Jan; van de Kerkhof, Daan; Stroobants, An K.; Middeldorp, Saskia: Successful co-administration of dabigatran etexilate and protease inhibitors ritonavir/lopinavir in a patient with atrial fibrillation

Invited Editorial Focus

T&H Insights

Theme Issue Editorial

Theme Issue Article

Speth, Cornelia; Rambach, Günter; Lass-Flörl, Cornelia: Platelet immunology in fungal infections
Andrews, Robert K.; Arthur, Jane F.; Gardiner, Elizabeth E.: Neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs) and the role of platelets in infection
de Stoppelaar, Sacha F.; van ’t Veer, Cornelis; Poll, Tom van der: The role of platelets in sepsis
Duerschmied, Daniel; Bode, Christoph; Ahrens, Ingo: Immune functions of platelets

Blood Coagulation, Fibrinolysis and Cellular Haemostasis

Mahan, Charles E.; Liu, Yang; Turpie, A. Graham; Vu, Jennifer T.; Heddle, Nancy; Cook, Richard J.; Dairkee, Undaleeb; Spyropoulos, Alex C.: External validation of a risk assessment model for venous thromboembolism in the hospitalised acutely-ill medical patient (VTE-VALOURR)
Vélez, Paula; Parguiña, Andrés F.; Ocaranza-Sánchez, Raymundo; Grigorian-Shamagian, Lilian; Rosa, Isaac; Alonso-Orgaz, Sergio; Cuesta, Fernando de la; Guitián, Esteban; Moreu, José; Barderas, María G.; González-Juanatey, José Ramón; García, Ángel: Identification of a circulating microvesicle protein network involved in ST-elevation myocardial infarction
Ruffatti, Amelia; Salvan, Elisa; Ross, Teresa Del; Gerosa, Maria; Andreoli, Laura; Maina, Aldo; Alijotas-Reig, Jaume; Carolis, Sara De; Mekinian, Arsene; Bertero, Maria Tiziana; Canti, Valentina; Brucato, Antonio; Bremme, Katarina; Ramoni, Véronique; Mosca, Marta; Poi, Emma Di; Caramaschi, Paola; Galeazzi, Mauro; Tincani, Angela; Meroni, Pier Luigi: Treatment strategies and pregnancy outcomes in antiphospholipid syndrome patients with thrombosis and triple antiphospholipid positivity
Pennings, Maarten T. T.; de Groot, Philip G.; Meijers, Joost C. M.; Huisman, Albert; Derksen, Ronald H. W. M.; Urbanus, Rolf T.: Optimisation of lupus anticoagulant tests: should test samples always be mixed with normal plasma?

Platelets and Blood Cells

Kowata, Shugo; Isogai, Sumio; Murai, Kazunori; Ito, Shigeki; Tohyama, Koujiro; Ema, Masatsugu; Hitomi, Jiro; Ishida, Yoji: Platelet demand modulates the type of intravascular protrusion of megakaryocytes in bone marrow

Wound Healing and Inflammation/Infection

Endothelium and Vascular Development

Tropea, Margaret M.; Harper, Bonnie J. A.; Graninger, Grace M.; Phillips, Terry M.; Ferreyra, Gabriela; Mostowski, Howard S.; Danner, Robert L.; Suffredini, Anthony F.; Solomon, Michael A.: Isolation of a circulating CD45-, CD34dim cell population and validation of their endothelial phenotype

Cardiovascular Biology and Cell Signalling

Roldán, Vanessa; Arroyo, Ana Belen; Salloum-Asfar, Sallam; Manzano-Fernández, Sergio; García-Barberá, Nuria; Marín, Francisco; Vicente, Vicente; González-Conejero, Rocío; Martínez, Constantino: Prognostic role of MIR146A polymorphisms for cardiovascular events in atrial fibrillation
Overvad, Thure Filskov; Rasmussen, Lars Hvilsted; Skjøth, Flemming; Overvad, Kim; Albertsen, Ida Ehlers; Lane, Deirdre A.; Lip, Gregory Y. H.; Larsen, Torben Bjerregaard: Female sex as a risk factor for thromboembolism and death in patients with incident atrial fibrillation

Animal Models

Sala, Federica; Aranda, Juan F.; Rotllan, Noemi; Ramírez, Cristina M.; Aryal, Binod; Elia, Leonardo; Condorelli, Gianluigi; Catapano, Alberico Luigi; Fernández-Hernando, Carlos; Norata, Giuseppe Danilo: MiR-143/145 deficiency attenuates the progression of atherosclerosis in Ldlr-/- mice
Gjurich, Breanne N.; Taghavie-Moghadam, Parésa L.; Ley, Klaus; Galkina, Elena V.: L-selectin deficiency decreases aortic B1a and Breg subsets and promotes atherosclerosis
Orriols, Mar; Guadall, Anna; Galán, María; Martí-Pàmies, Ingrid; Varona, Saray; Rodríguez-Calvo, Ricardo; Briones, Ana María; Navarro, María A.; Diego, Alicia de; Osada, Jesús; Martínez-González, José; Rodríguez, Cristina: Lysyl oxidase (LOX) in vascular remodelling

New Technologies, Diagnostic Tools and Drugs

Maistre, Emmanuel de; Volot, Fabienne; Mourey, Guillaume; Aho, Ludwig S.; Ternisien, Catherine; Briquel, Marie-Elisabeth; Bertrand, Marie-Anne; Tardy, Brigitte; Frotscher, Birgit; Nguyen, Philippe; Dumont, Laure; Vandroux, David; Hezard, Nathalie; Trossaërt, Marc: Performance of two new automated assays for measuring von Willebrand activity: HemosIL AcuStar and Innovance

Author Correspondence

Ansell, Jack; Crowther, Mark; Burnett, Allison; Garcia, David; Kaatz, Scott; Lopes, Renato D.; Nutescu, Edith; Oertel, Lynn; Schnurr, Terri; Streiff, Michael; Wirth, Diane; Witt, Daniel; Wittkowsky, Ann; for the Anticoagulation Forum: Comment on: Editorial by Husted et al. “Non-vitamin K antagonist oral anticoagulants (NOACs): No longer new or novel”
Husted, Steen; Lip, Gregory Y. H.; the ESC Working Group on Thrombosis Task Force on Anticoagulants in Heart Disease; on behalf of: Response to Ansell et al. “Non-vitamin K antagonist oral anticoagulants (NOACs): No longer new or novel”