DOI: 10.1055/s-00000015

European Journal of Pediatric Surgery

Issue 05 · Volume 16 · October 2006 DOI: 10.1055/s-002-5335

Original Article

Aslan, A.; Karagüzel, G.; Gura, A.; Karaveli, C.; Bulbul, M.; Melikoglu, M.: Lung Re-Expansion and Urinary Lipid Peroxidation in Neonatal Pneumothorax
De Backer, A.; Madern, G. C.; Hakvoort-Cammel, F. G. A. J.; Oosterhuis, J. W.; Hazebroek, F. W. J.: Mediastinal Germ Cell Tumors: Clinical Aspects and Outcomes in 7 Children
Kambouri, K.; Gardikis, S.; Giatromanolaki, A.; Efstathiou, E.; Pitiakoudis, M.; Ipsilantis, P.; Botaitis, S.; Perente, S.; Antypas, S.; Polychronidis, A.; Sivridis, E.; Simopoulos, C.: Comparison of Angiogenic Activity after Urethral Reconstruction Using Free Grafts and Pedicle Flap: An Experimental Study
Roll, M. F.; Kneppo, C.; Roth, H.; Bettendorf, M.; Waag, K.-L.; Holland-Cunz, S.: Feminising Genitoplasty: One-Stage Genital Reconstruction in Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia: 30 Years' Experience

Case Report

Ibáñez Pradas, V.; García Vila, J. H.; Redondo Ibáñez, M.; Díaz Ramón, C.: Spontaneous Resolution of Intrarenal Pseudoaneurysm
Normand, C.; Leblond, P.; Mazingue, F.; Nelken, B.; Defachelles, A. S.; Bonnevalle, M.: A Case of Adrenal Haemorrhage after Minor Trauma in a Young Child: Think of Neuroblastoma
Harper, L.; Michel, J. L.; Enjolras, O.; Raynaud-Mounet, N.; Rivière, J. P.; Heigele, T.; De Napoli-Cocci, S.: Successful Management of a Retroperitoneal Kaposiform Hemangioendothelioma with Kasabach-Merritt Phenomenon Using α-Interferon
