DOI : 10.1055/s-00000058

Planta Medica

Issue 11 · Volume 78 · July 2012 DOI: 10.1055/s-002-23510

8th Joint Meeting of AFERP, ASP, GA, PSE and SIF
New York City, July 28 – August 1, 2012

Chairmen: Guy T. Carter, Scientific Organizing Committee – Edward Kennelly, Local Organizing Committee – Issue Editor: Mark O'Neil-Johnson

Happyana, N; Agnolet, S; Muntendam, R; Van Dam, A; Schneider, B; Kayser, O: Cannabinoid analysis of laser-microdissected trichomes of Cannabis sativa L. BY LC-MS and cryogenic NMR
Taghi Khosravi, M; Mehrafarin, A; Naghdi Badi, H; Hadavi, E; Hajiaghaee, R; Khosravi, E: Phytochemical and growth responses of purple coneflower (Echinacea purpurea L.) to hydroalcoholic solutions
Simmler, C; Hajirahimkhan, A; Bolton, JL; Lankin, DC; Chen, SN; Pauli, GF: The chalcone-flavanone isomerization affects in vitro bio-assays as exemplified with isoliquiritigenin from licorice
Chen, HM; Wang, PH; Chen, SS; Wen, CC; Chen, YH; Yang, WC; Yang, NS: Shikonin induces immunogenic cell death in tumor cells and enhances dendritic cell-based cancer vaccine
Pascual, J; Martín, J; González, I; de la Cruz, M; Monteiro, MC; Cantizani, J; de Pedro, N; Cautain, B; Vicente, F; Tormo, JR; Reyes, F; Bills, G: A prescreening system for enriched selection of secondary metabolite-producing unicellular bacteria
Khosravi, E; Mehrafarin, A; Naghdi Badi, H; Taghi Khosravi, M; Hajiaghaee, R: The phytochemical response of lemon balm (Melissa officinalis L.) to methanol and ethanol hydroalcoholic solutions
Ma, B; Zhou, W; Feng, B; Huang, H; Cao, M; Lu, L; Zhao, M; Yu, H; Zhang, J; Xiong, C; Zhao, Y: Natural products biotransformation and its application
Milic, N; Kostidis, S; Stavrou, A; Gonou-Zagou, Z; Kouvelis, VN; Mikros, E; Fokialakis, N: A polyphasic approach (metabolomics, morphological and molecular analyses) in the systematics of Cladobotryum species in Greece
Bertolini, S; Bisio, A; Rauch, G; Giacomelli, E; Mele, G; Giacomini, M: Mutual information analysis of salvia exudates
Lopes, NP; Pavarini, DP; Carollo, CA; Portella, APF; Silva, DB; Latansio-Aidar, SR; Cavalin, PO; Oliveira, VC; Rosado, BHP; Aidar, MPM; Bolzani, VS; Joly, CA: HT-MALDI-MS: A keystone for Brazilian biodiversity conservation