Planta Med 2012; 78 - PG11
DOI: 10.1055/s-0032-1320654

Tailored beads made of dissolved cellulose and printed drug delivery systems to improve release of isoflavone biochanin a

L Pohjala 1, N Genina 2, E Yildir 2, N Sandler 2, P Vuorela 1
  • 1Drug discovery and Pharmaceutical biology group
  • 2Drug delivery and Pharmaceutical technology group; Pharmaceutical Sciences, Department of Biosciences, Abo Akademi University, FI-20520 Turku, Finland

Most of the beneficial health effects linked to isoflavones such as biochanin A are believed to be mediated by the estrogenic and antioxidative properties of these compounds. Also antimicrobial effects have been reported for biochanin A. However, majority of biochanin A is converted to genistein prior to its absorption via demethylation reactions and the bioavailability of biochanin A is also limited by its poor water-solubility. Thus less than 5% of biochanin A is found in the bloodstream in its parent form after ingestion of the pure isoflavone. To facilitate the stability and release of biochanin A we evaluated the use of beads of dissolved cellulose and printed systems for drug loading and delivery in a controlled and tailored manner. Surface and internal structure of empty and biochanin A -loaded formulations were examined using a scanning electron microscope (SEM). Drug releases in appropriate solutions mimicking GI-conditions were determined in an automated dissolution testing system (USP paddle method). Bioactivities of the formulations were assayed against the intracellular bacteria Chlamydia pneumoniae and its host cells of human origin. In conclusion, these new delivery systems show great promise in controlling delivery of biochanin A without interfering with its bioactivity.