DOI : 10.1055/s-00000058

Planta Medica

Issue 12 · Volume 76 · August 2010 DOI: 10.1055/s-002-21285

7th Tannin Conference (Presymposium) and 58th International Congress and Annual Meeting of the Society for Medicinal Plant and Natural Product Research
Berlin, Germany, 29th August – 2nd September 2010

Chairman: Professor Dr. Matthias F. Melzig – Professor Dr. Herbert Kolodziej

Kunanusorn, P; Pingsusaen, P; Khonsung, P; Chiranthanut, N; Panthong, A; Rujjanawate, C: Anti-inflammatory effect of an ethanol extract from rhizomes of Stahlianthus involucratus in rats
Krautscheid, Y; Lecher, B; Bartel, C; Brinckmann, A; Melzig, M: Influence of Ginkgo biloba extract EGb 761® on NADH levels in the brain of Mapt-transgenic mice
Agnew, L; Addison, R; Matthias, A; Bone, K; Lehmann, R; Watson, K: Effects of echinacea supplementation on alkylamide pharmacokinetics
Saenthaweesuk, S; Jitvaropas, R; Kandee, N; Lerdvuthisopon, N: The effect of rice bran extract on beta cells of rats fed with high-fat diet
Calassi, N; Dudas, P; Parisi-Filho, R; Magri, F; Fiorino, P; Ginosa, M; Fonteles, M; Delorenzi, J; Farah, V: Cardiovascular effects induced by Camellia sinensis in experimental diabetes
Agnew, L; Matthias, A; Shipp, C; Kauter, K; Bone, K; Watson, K; Lehmann, R: Echinacea induced hsp70 alterations in leukocytes
Kundakovic, T; Binic, I; Milenkovic, M; Zlatkovic, S; Nikolic, G: Some therapeutic effects of herbal based ointment „Dermoplant G„on venous ulcers
Christensen, K; Kotowska, D; Olsen, L; Bhattacharya, S; Fretté, X; Færgeman, N; Kristiansen, K; Oksbjerg, N; Grevsen, K; Christensen, L: Beneficial effects of carrots (Daucus carota) on adipocyte differentiation, glucose uptake, and fat accumulation
Christensen, K; Olsen, L; Kotowska, D; Bhattacharya, S; Fretté, X; Færgeman, N; Kristiansen, K; Oksbjerg, N; Christensen, L: Elderflowers (Sambucus nigra L.) have a significant impact on cellular mechanisms related to lipid storage and insulin resistance
Innocenti, G; Dall'Acqua, S; Minesso, P; Budriesi, R; Micucci, M; Chiarini, A: Evaluation of muscarinic M3-receptor antagonism of Solenostemma argel leaves
Gaspar, AT; Henrique, RG; Araujo, AH; Aguiar, FGL; Zils, T; Silva, BV; Barros, ELE; Oliveira, QML; Molica, ME; Melo, RF: Haemonchus contortus: in vivo anthelmintic activity of Eugenia dysenterica DC. and Caryocar brasiliense Cambess leaves in sheep
Giner, R; Marin, M; Giner, E; Ríos, J; Recio, C: Apocynin reduces dextran sulfate sodium-induced colonic inflammation in mice
Giner, E; Marin, M; Recio, C; Ríos, J; Giner, R: Naringin protects against dextran sodium sulfate-induced colitis in mice
Omarsdottir, S; Sigurpalsson, M; Eggertsdottir, A; Runarsson, J; Hardardottir, I; Vikingsson, A; Olafsdottir, E; Freysdottir, J: Extract and fractions from birch bark affect stimulation of human dendritic cells and their activation of allogeneic CD4+ T cells in vitro
Elias, F; Zils, T; Aguiar, FGL; Barros, ELE; Molica, ME; Melo, RF: Toxicological studies on the Eugenia dysenterica DC and Caryocar brasiliense Cambess leaves in rats
Militaru, A; Simedrea, I; Daescu, C; Peev, C; Pop, G: Gemmotherapy-complementary treatment in juvenile rheumatoid arthritis
Sosa, S; Giangaspero, A; Ponti, C; Del Favero, G; Pollastro, F; Appendino, G; Tubaro, A; Della Loggia, R: Topical anti-inflammatory agents from the alpine flavouring plant Artemisia umbelliformis Lam.
Hajimehdipoor, H; Sahebgharani, M; Khanavi, M; Mirshaki, Z: Analgesic effects of Stachys turcomanica extract in mice
Sahranavard, S; Ghafari, S; Moazzeni, H; Naghibi, F: Antiproliferative effect of Bryonia aspera Stev. ex Ledeb
Ahmadi, R; Rajabi, A; Khanavi, M; Hassanzadeh, G; Khademi, R; Hadjiakhoondi, A; Sharifzadeh, M: Pharmacological and histological study of Centaurea bruguierana ssp. belangerana on indomethacin-induced peptic ulcer in rats
Nworu, C; Esimone, C; Temchura, V; Kamdem Toukam, D; Tenbusch, M; Überla, K: Adjuvant potentials of AcF1, an immunostimulant fraction of Alchornea cordifolia extract
Garcia, A; Veloso, M; Figueirinha, A; Costa, G; Caramona, M; Castel-Branco, M; Figueiredo, I; Batista, M: Evaluation of anti-inflammatory activity of Cymbopogon citratus (DC) Stapf on an in vivo acute inflammation model
Müller, J; Kelber, O; Weiser, D; Stange, R; Uehleke, B: Willow bark extract STW 33-I in the long term treatment of osteoarthritic and back pain