DOI : 10.1055/s-00000058

Planta Medica

Ausgabe 12 · Volume 76 · August 2010 DOI: 10.1055/s-002-21285

7th Tannin Conference (Presymposium) and 58th International Congress and Annual Meeting of the Society for Medicinal Plant and Natural Product Research
Berlin, Germany, 29th August – 2nd September 2010

Chairman: Professor Dr. Matthias F. Melzig – Professor Dr. Herbert Kolodziej

Abdel-Aziz, H; Wadie, W; Zaki, H; Vinson, B; Kelber, O; Okpanyi, S; Weiser, D; Khayyal, M: The herbal combination preparation STW 5 is active in DSS-induced colitis
Borsodi Szokol, L; Sedlák, É; Boldizsár, I; Paku, S; Preininger, É; Gyurján, I: Determination of dibenzylbutyrolactone-type lignans in Centraurea species and analysis of arctigenin's anticancer effect
Bensch, K; Tiralongo, J; Matthias, A; Bone, K; Lehmann, R; Tiralongo, E: Anti-adhesive activity of herbal extracts against Campylobacter jejuni
Naumann, K; Ebeling, S; Laszczyk, M; Scheffler, A; Merfort, I: Triterpenes from birch bark extract beneficially affect wound healing
Brantner, A; Froehlich, K; Friedl, H; Bian, B; Ruckenstuhl, C: Chronological aging experiments in yeast with the TCM formulation HLJDT
Chen, C; Chao, J; Peng, W; Lee, M; Chen, H; Cheng, H; Chou, T: Hepatoprotective effect of Mahonia oiwakensis stems against carbon tetrachloride hepatotoxicity
Geller, F; Schmidt, C; Goettert, M; Fronza, M; Heinzmann, B; Werz, O; Merfort, I; Laufer, S: Rosmarinic acid as the effective compound in Cordia americana
Donath, O; Kastner, S; Reznicek, G; Dirsch, V: eNOS-activity guided fractionation of vine leaves from Austria
Bival Tefan, M; Jelic, D; Vladimir-Kneevic, S; Trzun, M; Frka Boric, K; Paravic-Radicevic, A; Braja, K; Blaekovic, B: Anti-inflammatory effects of ethanolic extracts from Micromeria species
Pfisterer, P; Nikolovska-Coleska, Z; Schyschka, L; Schuster, D; Rudy, A; Wolber, G; Vollmar, A; Rollinger, J; Stuppner, H: Acylated flavonol monorhamnosides from Eriobotrya japonica as XIAP BIR3 inhibitors revealed by in silico and HPLC-SPE-NMR techniques
Galeotti, N; Vivoli, E; Bilia, A; Bergonzi, C; Bartolini, A; Ghelardini, C: A prolonged protein kinase C-mediated, opioid-related antinociceptive effect of St. John's Wort in mice
Chantong, B; Buranasinsup, S; Toniti, P; Suttiyotin, P; Sirimanapong, W; Nusuetrong, P: Efficacy of extracts of Thai medicinal plants as an anesthetics on carp fish (Cyprinus carpio)
Ishiguro, K; Oku, H; Iwaokab, E; Iinuma, M: Allergy-preventive effects of flowers of Campsis grandiflora
Demirci, B; Kiyan, T; Koparal, A; Kaya, M; Demirci, F; Baser, K: The in vivo and in vitro angiogenic evaluation of the essential oil of Echinophora tournefortii
Hosseini Biuki, S; Anvari, M; Dashti-R, M; Zeinali Nasrabadi, F: Effect of parsley (Petroselinum crispum) extract on intra-abdominal fat deposition in mice
Gonzalez, D; Dehaen, W; Apers, S; Kilonda, A; Pieters, L; Compernolle, F; Toppet, S: Evaluation of the diurectic activity of an isolated flavonol of the aqueous extract from Boldoa purpurascens Cav.
Martins, A; Hajdú, Z; Vasas, A; Csupor-Löffler, B; Molnár, J; Hohmann, J: Spathulenol inhibit the human ABCB1 efflux pump
Demirci, F; Duymus, H; Kiyan, T; Demirci, B; Baser, K: The in vivo angiogenic evaluation of betulin