DOI: 10.1055/s-00000029

Journal of Reconstructive Microsurgery

Ausgabe 04 · Volume 26 · Mai 2010 DOI: 10.1055/s-002-21064

Erba, Paolo; di Summa, Pietro G; Wettstein, Reto; Raffoul, Wassim; Kalbermatten, Daniel F: Fibrin Sealant for Fasciocutaneous Flaps
Sonmez, Erhan; Nasır, Serdar; Safak, Tunc; Kecik, Abdullah: Free Groin Flap Applications in the Pediatric Population
Iblher, Niklas; Eisenhardt, Steffen U; Penna, Vincenzo; Stark, G. Bjoern; Bannasch, Holger: A New Evaluation Tool for Monitoring Devices and Its Application to Evaluate the Implantable Doppler Probe
Boehmler, James H; Francis, Stacey H; Grawe, Roxanne K; Mayerson, Joel L: Reconstruction of an External Hemipelvectomy Defect with a Two-stage Fillet of Leg-Free Flap