DOI: 10.1055/s-00000085

The Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeon

Issue 07 · Volume 56 · October 2008 DOI: 10.1055/s-002-13149

Original Basic Science

Meyer, K.; Schipke, J. D.; Klocke, R. C.; Gams, E.; Korbmacher, B.: Inotropic, Vasodilating and Preconditioning Actions of Levosimendan in the Heart

Original Thoracic

Original Cardiovascular

Geidel, S.; Lass, M.; Krause, K.; Betzold, M.; Aslan, H.; Boczor, S.; Kuck, K.-H.; Ostermeyer, J.: Early and Late Results of Permanent Atrial Fibrillation Ablation Surgery in Aortic Valve and CABG Patients
Hörer, J.; Schreiber, C.; Krane, S.; Prodan, Z.; Cleuziou, J.; Vogt, M.; Holper, K.; Lange, R.: Outcome after Surgical Repair/Palliation of Congenitally Corrected Transposition of the Great Arteries
Arenz, C.; Sinzobahamvya, N.; Kaestner, M.; Blaschczok, H. C.; Photiadis, J.; Fink, C.; Schindler, E.; Asfour, B.: Function of Contegra Valved Grafts after Unifocalization
Kocogullari, C. U.; Emmiler, M.; Cemek, M.; Sahin, O.; Aslan, A.; Ayva, E.; Tur, L.; Buyukokuroglu, M. E.; Demirkan, I.; Cekirdekci, A.: Can Dantrolene Protect Spinal Cord against Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury? An Experimental Study
Liu, J.-F.; Lin, C.-H.; Chua, C.-H.; Chiang, S.-S.; Hung, H.-F.; Lu, M.-J.; Hung, C.-R.: Outcome of Off-Pump Coronary Artery Bypass in Renal Dialysis Patients

Short Communications

Halit, V.; Olguntürk, R.; Erer, D.; Kula, S.: Tetralogy of Fallot and Absence of Left Pulmonary Artery

Case Reports

Göksel, O. S.; Sayın, Ö A.; Çınar, T.; Toker, A.; Tireli, E.; Dayıoğlu, E.: Bronchogenic Cyst Invading Right Atrium in a 5-Year-Old
Alloubi, I.; Boubia, S.; Ridai, M.: Liposarcoma of the Pleural Cavity