Synthesis 2010(6): 971-978  
DOI: 10.1055/s-0029-1219218
© Georg Thieme Verlag Stuttgart ˙ New York

A Quick Synthesis of 1-Arylpyrrolopyrazinones from Linear Alkynylamide Derivatives

Leticia M. Pardo, Imanol Tellitu*, Esther Domínguez*
Departamento de Química Orgánica II, Facultad de Ciencia y Tecnología (ZTF/FCT), Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (UPV/EHU), 48940 Leioa, Spain
Fax: +34(94)6012748; e-Mail:;
Further Information

Publication History

Received 4 November 2009
Publication Date:
04 January 2010 (online)


A rapid synthesis of pyrrolopyrazinone derivatives based on formal double addition across the triple bond of appropriately substituted substrates is presented. The key cyclization step features the formation, mediated by [bis(trifluoroacetoxy)iodo]benzene ­(PIFA), of a 5-aroylpyrrolidinone nucleus from appropriately func­t­ionalized N-protected N-(aminoethyl)amides. After removal of the protecting group, the free amino group is used to accomplish a second heterocyclization process onto the newly formed carbonyl group. By appropriate manipulation of these protecting groups and selection of reaction conditions, a series of pyrrolopyrazinones can be obtained in different stages of hydrogenation.


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  • 2 Pramiracetam (C) has shown improved efficacy in patients with senile or presenile cognitive impairment. See: Manetti D. Ghelardini C. Bartolini A. Bellucci C. Dei S. Galeotti N. Gualtieri F. Romanelli MN. Scapecchi S. Teodori E. J. Med. Chem.  2000,  43:  1969 
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  • The pyrrolopyrazinone (1,4-diazabicyclo[4.3.0]nonane) skeleton has also been identified as the bicyclic constituent of the recently isolated natural product tunicyclin A. See:
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  • 11 These results led us to propose a mechanism in which the activated triple bond easily coordinates with the iodine(III) reagent and, hence, assisting the nucleophilic attack of the amidic nitrogen. In addition, alkyl-substituted alkynes also failed in the PIFA-mediated cyclization step
  • For recent books or reviews concerning the chemistry of the hypervalent iodine reagents, see:
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  • 12b Varvoglis A. Hypervalent Iodine in Organic Synthesis   Academic Press; London: 1997. 
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  • For previous alternative approaches to the synthesis of this skeleton, see:
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  • 13e Roth E. Altman J. Kapon M. Ben-Ishai D. Tetrahedron  1995,  51:  801 
  • 13f

    See also ref. 2.


In previous unpublished results from our group, we found that the presence of free amino and also hydroxy groups is not compatible with the PIFA-assisted intramolecular heterocyclization of unsaturated amides.


Additional attempts to hydrogenate unsaturated pyrrolo-pyrazinone 13a to afford 14a resulted in the recovery of the unchanged starting material. Hydrogenation of the imine intermediate J appears to proceed much faster than the isomerization process that would lead to its enamine tautomer.


Diastereomers 14 showed a significant NOE between the H1 and H8a protons, indicating that they are located on the same face of the heterocyclic ring.


It is known that, in some cases, thiophene-containing olefins can be unreactive under palladium-catalyzed hydrogenation conditions.