DOI : 10.1055/s-00000085

The Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeon

Ausgabe S 01 · Volume 69 · Januar 2021 DOI: 10.1055/s-011-50390

50th Annual Meeting of the German Society for Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery (DGTHG)
Online, 26.–28.02.2021

Pietras, J.; Skvorc, D.; Haghighi, F.; Seibertz, F.; Waldmann-Beushausen, R.; Habich, L.; Nourmohammadi, S.; Fietz, R.; Bähr, R.; Voigt, N.; Kutschka, I.; Kensah, G.: Generation and Maturation of Human IPSC-Derived Myocardium in a Closed and Automated Bioreactor System
Helms, F.; Aper, T.; Lau, S.; Haverich, A.; Wilhelmi, M.; Böer, U.: Generation of a Physiological Three-Layered Bioartificial Blood Vessel by Mechanical Stimulation
Wacker, M.; Riedel, J.; Scherner, M.; Awad, G.; Wippermann, J.; Veluswamy, P.; Walles, H.; Hülsmann, J.: Protein Coating of Bacterial Nanocellulose Small Diameter Vascular Grafts Leads to Improved Endothelialization
Schiffer, M.; Carls, E.; Treede, H.; De La Fuente, J. M.; Pfeifer, A.; Fleischmann, B. K.; Röll, W.: Long-Term Reduction of Post-Infarct Ventricular Tachycardia by Transplantation of Connexin 43 Overexpressing Cardiac Fibroblasts
Immohr, M. B.; Barth, M.; Santos, F.; Sugimura, Y.; Lichtenberg, A.; Akhyari, P.: 3D-Bioprinting of Valvular Interstitial Cells of Ovine Aortic Valves: Impact of Printing Parameters on Cell Viability
Beyer, M.; Skorska, A.; Chabanovska, O.; Lemcke, H.; Kussauer, S.; Steinhoff, G.; David, R.; Klopsch, C.: Double-Priming of a Resident Cardiac CD45 CD44+ DDR2+ Mesenchymal Stem Cell Subset Potentiates Their Cardiovascular Fate
Steinmaurer, M.; Stemkens, L.; Bezuidenhout, D.; Hagl, C.; Thierfelder, N.; Davies, N.: Hydrogel Engineering and Conditioned Media Present Two Basic Tools in Cardiovascular Regenerative Medicine