DOI: 10.1055/s-00024355

The Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeon Reports

Issue 01 · Volume 10 · January 2021 DOI: 10.1055/s-011-50167

Case Report: Cardiac

Shibagaki, Keisuke; Shiiku, Chikara; Kamiya, Hiroyuki; Kikuchi, Yoichi: Anomalous Origin of the Left Anterior Descending Coronary Artery in an Adult
Schwendt, Meike; Kroll, Johannes; Fleck, Thilo; Stiller, Brigitte: A Rare Case of Severe Dilated Cardiomyopathy in Early Infancy
Heim, Christian; Müller, Philipp P.; Weyand, Michael; Harig, Frank: Acute Type A Dissection during Pregnancy with Marfan's Syndrome

Editor's commentary

Niemann, Bernd; Heinemann, Markus K.: Editors' Commentary

Case Report: Cardiac

Case Report: Thoracic

Case Report: Cardiac

Putz, Christina; Putz, Franz Josef; Keyser, Andreas; Schmid, Christof: Black Aortic Valve: Incidental Finding of Alkaptonuria

Case Report: Thoracic

Jindani, Rajika; Lopez, Michael A.; Miquel, Tatiana P.; Sylvin, Erik: Robotic Resection of Pulmonary Epithelial Myoepithelial Carcinoma: A Case Report

Case Report: Cardiac

Sadraddin, Haval; Krüger, Ulrich; Börgermann, Jochen; Gerçek, Mustafa: Dissection of the Left Coronary Artery after Surgical Aortic Valve Replacement

Case Report: Thoracic

Jacqmin, Geoffrey; Pirotte, Manuel; Caravaggio, Carlo; Devaux, Philippe: Spontaneous Pneumomediastinum: A Possible Severe Condition in SARS-CoV-2 Pneumonia

Case Report: Cardiac

Huenges, Katharina; Kolat, Philipp; Panholzer, Bernd; Haneya, Assad: CSA-Induced PRES after Heart Transplantation—Report of Two Cases and Review