DOI : 10.1055/s-00000085

The Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeon

Issue S 02 · Volume 67 · January 2019 DOI: 10.1055/s-009-42345

51st Annual Meeting German Society for Pediatric Cardiology
Wiesbaden, 16.–19.02.2019

Recla, S.; Steinbrenner, B.; Rueblinger, L.; Logeswaran, T.; Skrzypek, S.; Gummel, K.; Reich, B.; Schmidt, D.; Thul, J.; Mueller, M.; Jux, C.; Akintürk, H.; Schranz, D.: Combined Surgical and Medical Approach in Left Ventricular Dilated Cardiomyopathy for Restoring Synchrony and Ventricular–Ventricular Interaction
Steinbrenner, B.; Recla, S.; Rueblinger, L.; Logeswaran, T.; Skrzypek, S.; Gummel, K.; Reich, B.; Thul, J.; Schmidt, D.; Jux, C.; Mueller, M.; Akintuerk, H.; Schranz, D.: Pulmonary Artery Banding in Patients with Left Ventricular Dilated Cardiomyopathy: Goal-Directed Postoperative Therapy for Safe Patient Guidance
Völkner, J.; Schmitt, L. K. R.; Pfitzer, C.; Berger, F.; Photiadis, J.; Miera, O.: Illuminating Risk Factors for Berlin Heart EXCOR Device Support in Children with Congenital Heart Disease: Lessons Learned!
Murin, P.; Boettcher, W.; Ozaki, S.; Schulz, A.; Wloch, A.; Cho, Y. M.; Redlin, M.; Miera, O.; Sinzobahamvya, N.; Photiadis, J.: Asanguineous Cardiopulmonary Bypass in Infants: Impact on Postoperative Mortality and Morbidity
Seibold, C.; Vorisek, N. C.; Piekarski, B.; Oladunjoye, O. O.; Emani, M. S.: Evaluating Common Anticoagulation Laboratory Values in Single Ventricle Patients following Cardiac Surgery
Vorisek, N. C.; Sleeper, A. L.; Seibold, C.; Lu, M.; Piekarski, B.; Oladunjoye, O. O.; Emani, M. S.: Postoperative Packed Red Blood Cell Transfusions Are Associated with Thrombotic Events in the Pediatric Cardiac Intensive Care Unit