DOI: 10.1055/s-00034926


Ausgabe 03 · Volume 95 · Juli 2006 DOI: 10.1055/s-007-35736

Guest Editorial

Original Paper

Rajkumar, R.; Srivastava, S.K.; Yadav, M.C.; Varshney, V.P.; Varshney, J.P.; Kumar, H.: Effect of a Homeopathic complex on oestrus induction and hormonal profile in anoestrus cows
de Paula Coelho, C.; D’Almeida, V.; Pedrazzolli-Neto, M.; Duran-Filho, C.; Florio, J.C.; Zincaglia, L.M.C.; Bonamin, L.V.: Therapeutic and pathogenetic animal models for Dolichos pruriens

Education and Debate

Pilkington, K.; Kirkwood, G.; Rampes, H.; Fisher, P.; Richardson, J.: Homeopathy for anxiety and anxiety disorders: A systematic review of the research


Social and Historical

Reviews and Abstracts