DOI: 10.1055/s-00034926


Ausgabe 03 · Volume 94 · Juli 2005 DOI: 10.1055/s-007-35660

Guest Editorial

Original Paper

Signorini, A; Lubrano, A; Manuele, G; Fagone, G; Vittorini, C; Boso, F; Vianello, P; Rebuffi, A; Frongia, T; Rocco, V; Pichler, C: Classical and new proving methodology: Provings of Plumbum metallicum and Piper methysticum and comparison with a classical proving of Plumbum metallicum
Pilkington, K; Kirkwood, G; Rampes, H; Fisher, P; Richardson, J: Homeopathy for depression: a systematic review of the research evidence


Social And Historical

Social and Historical

Book Review