Homeopathy 2005; 94(03): 202-206
DOI: 10.1016/j.homp.2005.04.004
Social And Historical
Copyright ©The Faculty of Homeopathy 2005

Hahnemann's legacy in a new light—A systematic approach to the Organon of Medicine[*]

J.M. Schmidt
Further Information

Publication History

Received 11 November 2004
revised 14 March 2005

accepted 11 April 2005

Publication Date:
29 December 2017 (online)

The sixth edition of Samuel Hahnemann's Organon of Medicine is an obligatory work of reference for homeopathy. Nevertheless, its philosophy can be questioned with constructivistic and historistic objections. Three levels of content may be distinguished:

(1) practical directions and maxims,

(2) theoretical explanations and hypotheses,

(3) conceptual foundations and premises.

Ideally, these levels should be considered, studied, and taught separately and gradually. My new German edition of the Organon, published in 2003, tries to meet these demands. It contains:

(A) a complete version of Hahnemann's original text, in the original order of paragraphs, but in modern German with section headings, summary boxes, etc added,

(B) another full version of its content, organized in three levels, as indicated above,

(C) a glossary of about 400 problematic terms.

* Revised version of a paper presented at the 59th Congress of the Liga Medicorum Homoeopathica Internationalis in Buenos Aires, Argentine, on 19 October 2004.

  • Abridged bibliography

  • 1 Editions of the Organon of Medicine (6th edition, completed by Hahnemann in 1842):
    • English editions

    • 1 Hahnemann S. Organon of Medicine (Sixth edition after Hahnemann's own written revision for the sixth edition. Translated with preface by William Boericke). Philadelphia: Boericke & Tafel, 1922.
    • 2 Hahnemann S. Organon of Medicine (1st English translation of the definite 6th edition of the original work on homoeopathic medicine, a new translation by Kuenzli J, Naude, A, Pendleton, P. Los Angeles: Tarcher, 1982). London: Gollancz, 1983.
    • 3 Hahnemann S. Organon of the Medical Art. Edited and annotated by Wenda Brewster O’Reilly (The sixth edition of Samuel Hahnemann's work of genius based on a translation by Steven Decker). Washington: Redond, 1996.
      • German editions

      • 1 Hahnemann S. Organon der Heilkunst (Nach der handschriftlichen Neubearbeitung Hahnemanns fuer die 6. Auflage herausgegeben und mit Vorwort versehen von Richard Haehl). Leipzig: Schwabe, 1921.
      • 2 Hahnemann S. Organon der Heilkunst (Textkritische Auflage der sechsten Auflage. Bearbeitet, herausgegeben und mit einem Vorwort versehen von Josef M. Schmidt). Heidelberg: Haug, 1992.
      • 3 Hahnemann S. Organon der Heilkunst (Standardausgabe der sechsten Auflage. Auf der Grundlage der 1992 vom Herausgeber bearbeiteten textkritischen Ausgabe des Manuskriptes Hahnemanns (1842) herausgegeben von Josef M. Schmidt). Heidelberg: Haug, 1996.
      • 4 Hahnemann S. Organon der Heilkunst (Neufassung mit Systematik und Glossar von Josef M. Schmidt). München: Elsevier, Urban & Fischer, 2003.
        • French editions

        • 1 Hahnemann S. Doctrine homoeopathique ou Organon de l’art de guérir (Traduit de la sixième édition allemande, avec glossaire et annotations suivis d’un index établi par Pierre Schmidt). Paris: Vigot Frères, 1952.
        • 2 Hahnemann S. Organon de l’art de guérir. (Sixième Edition. Traduction de Renée-Claire Roy réalisée sur l’édition de 1921 publiée par Richard Haehl). Réalisée par les Editions Louis Pariente pour les Editions Boiron. Lyon, 1984.
          • Spanish editions

          • 1 Hahnemann S. Organon de la medicina. (Sexta edición. Traducida del alemán al inglés por William Boericke y del inglés al espanol por Rafael Romero). Mexico: Merida, 1929.
          • 2 Hahnemann S. Organón de la medicina (Con cuestionario y comentarios de Léo Simón. Sexta edición Versión de Segura y Pesado). México: Guadalajara, Jal., 1936.
          • 3 Hahnemann S. Organon de la medicina. (Traducido al castellano de la sexta edición alemana revisada por su autor. Prólogo del Luis G. A. Fernández Molina). Buenos Aires: Ediciones Marite, 1967.
          • 4 Hahnemann S. Organón de la medicina. (Sexta editión. Traduito de Jorge V. Torrent). México: Porrúa, 1984.
          • 5 Hahnemann S. Organon del arte de curar. ([quarta edición en castellano de la sexta edición francesa.] Prólogo por Ricardo A. Ancarola). Madrid: Miraguano Ediciones, 1987.
          • 6 Hahnemann S. Organon de la medicina. (Prefacio del traductor William Boericke, Introdución por James Krauss, 1921.) Buenos Aires: Albatros, 1989.
          • 7 Hahnemann S. El Organón de la medicina. (Comentado por David Flores Toledo). Mexico: Instituto Politécnico Nacional, 1999.