DOI : 10.1055/s-00034926


Issue 01 · Volume 103 · January 2014 DOI: 10.1055/s-007-35596

Homeopathy Research Institute's (HRI) 1st international conference
Barcelona, Spain, 31.05 – 02.06.2013

Cutting Edge Research in Homeopathy

Santana, Fabiana Rodrigues; de Paula Coelho, Cideli; Hurtado, Elizabeth C.P.; Laurenti, Marcia Dalastra; Bonamin, Leoni Villano: Modulation of chronic inflammation response to Leishmania (L.) amazonensis by Thymulin 5CH in mice
Bracho, Gustavo; Callico, Adriana; Marzoa, Natalia; Ordaz, Barbara; Menendez, Jorge; Fernandez, Rolando; Cardoso, Daniel; Campa, Concepcion: Homeoprophylaxis: evidence from basic research and practical applications
Dinelli, Giovanni; Marotti, Ilaria; Bregola, Valeria; Bosi, Sara; Trebbi, Grazia; Borghini, Francesco; Nani, Daniele; Betti, Lucietta: Effects of homeopathic treatments on the cellular metabolism of wheat: validation of microarrays data by quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR)
Endler, P.C.; Scherer-Pongratz, W.; Graunke, H: Highland amphibians and extremely diluted thyroxine
Freed, Yakov; Zubedat, Salman; Eshed, Yuval; Cymerblit-Sabba, Adi; Ritter, Ami; Nachmani, Maayan; Harush, Rom; Avital, Avi: Bridging the gap between the homeopathic world and the conservative medical world – test case in rats
Jäger, Tim; Scherr, Claudia; Simon, Meinhard; Heusser, Peter; Wolf, Ursula; Baumgartner, Stephan: Comparative study of two bioassays with weakened duckweed and yeast treated with homeopathic preparations
Klein-Laansma, Christien; Pierre Jansen, Jean; van Tilborgh, Anita; van Vliet, Marja; Jong, Miek: Towards an evidence-based homeopathic treatment for PMS
Mathie, Robert T.; Van Wassenhoven, Michel; Manchanda, Rajkumar K.; Terzan, Laurence; Chaufferin, Gilles; Dantas, Flávio; Jacobs, Jennifer; Frye, Joyce; Oberbaum, Menachem; Ives, John A.; Roniger, Helmut; Fisher, Peter: Model validity of randomised placebo-controlled trials of individualised homeopathic treatment
Olioso, Debora; Marzotto, Marta; Bellavite, Paolo: Study of Gelsemium sempervirens in a neurocyte model. An update
Chaim Salles, Sandra Abrahão; Vieira Novaes, Ana Rita; Perisse, André; Prass-Santos, Claudia; Nunes, Laila; Waisse, Silvia; Estrela, Walcymar Leonel: Protocol for prevention and treatment of dengue fever and its complications
Thompson, Elizabeth; Griffin, Tom; Hamilton, William; Sharp, Debbie; Wye, Lesley: Economic evaluation of the Bristol Homeopathic Hospital: final results of the BISCUIT feasibility study
Viksveen, P.; Dymitr, Z.; Simoens, S: Economic evaluations of homeopathy: a review