DOI : 10.1055/s-00000085

The Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeon

Issue S 01 · Volume 63 · January 2015 DOI: 10.1055/s-005-28392

44th Annual Meeting of the German Society for Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery
Freiburg, 8–11 February 2015

Popov, A.-F.; García Sáez, D.; Zych, B.; Sabashnikov, A.; Bowles, C. T.; De Robertis, F.; Mohite, P. N.; Maunz, O.; Patil, N. P.; Weymann, A.; Pitt, T.; Pates, B.; Hards, R.; Amrani, M.; Bahrami, T.; Banner, N. R.; Simon, A. R.: The Organ Care System Heart in High Risk Transplantation with an Adverse Donor/Recipient Profile. Ready for Daily Practice?
Waechter, M.; Reichart, B.; Kindermann, J.; Mayr, T.; Brenner, P.; Hagl, C.; Langenmayer, M.; Wanke, R.; Beck, P.; Groll, M.; Abicht, J.; Guethoff, S.: Proteasome Inhibitors in Experimental Cardiac Transplantation
Freundt, M.; Haneya, A.; Philipp, A.; Kolat, P.; Rupprecht, L.; Hirt, S. W.; Schmid, C.: Impact of Cardiac Troponin I as a Predictor of Graft Failure in Selection of Heart Donors
Popov, A.-F.; García Sáez, D.; Sabashnikov, A.; Zych, B.; Weymann, A.; Patil, N. P.; Mohite, P. N.; Simon, A. R.: First Expierence in Heart Transplantation with Organs Procured after Cardio-Circulatory Death in a Porcine Model. Is the Organ Care System the Long Awaited Solution?
Brenner, P.; Abicht, J.-M.; Guethoff, S.; Buchholz, S.; Mayr, T.; Bauer, A.; Blank, S.; Kessler, B.; Wolf, E.; Becker, C.; Ayares, D.; McGregor, C.; Belka, C.; Hagl, C.; Reichart, B.: The Heterotopic Thoracic Cardiac Xenotransplantation Model (Pig-to-baboon) in Two Different Groups without and with an Additional Myelodepressive Regime