DOI: 10.1055/s-00000028

International Journal of Sports Medicine

Ausgabe 07 · Volume 24 · September 2003 DOI: 10.1055/s-002-2797

Training & Testing

Kuipers, H.; Rietjens, G.; Verstappen, F.; Schoenmakers, H.; Hofman, G.: Effects of Stage Duration in Incremental Running Tests on Physiological Variables

Physiology & Biochemistry

An, P.; Borecki, I. B.; Rankinen, T.; Pérusse, L.; Leon, A. S.; Skinner, J. S.; Wilmore, J. H.; Bouchard, C.; Rao, D. C.: Evidence of Major Genes for Exercise Heart Rate and Blood Pressure at Baseline and in Response to 20 Weeks of Endurance Training: The HERITAGE Family Study
Simonen, R. L.; Videman, T.; Kaprio, J.; Levälahti, E.; Battié, M. C.: Factors Associated with Exercise Lifestyle - A Study of Monozygotic Twins
Nikolaidis, M. G.; Protosygellou, M. D.; Petridou, A.; Tsalis, G.; Tsigilis, N.; Mougios, V.: Hematologic and Biochemical Profile of Juvenile and Adult Athletes of Both Sexes: Implications for Clinical Evaluation
Gutiérrez, A.; Mesa, J. L. M.; Ruiz, J. R.; Chirosa, L. J.; Castillo, M. J.: Sauna-Induced Rapid Weight Loss Decreases Explosive Power in Women but not in Men
Mounier, R.; Pialoux, V.; Mischler, I.; Coudert, J.; Fellmann, N.: Effect of Hypervolemia on Heart Rate During 4 Days of Prolonged Exercises


Ikeda, T.; Nishijima, Y.; Shibata, H.; Kiso, Y.; Ohnuki, K.; Fushiki, T.; Moritani, T.: Protective Effect of Sesamin Administration on Exercise-Induced Lipid Peroxidation



Nieman, D. C.; Dumke, C. I.; Henson, D. A.; McAnulty, S. R.; McAnulty, L. S.; Lind, R. H.; Morrow, J. D.: Immune and Oxidative Changes During and Following the Western States Endurance Run