DOI : 10.1055/s-00000058

Planta Medica

Ausgabe 11 · Volume 78 · Juli 2012 DOI: 10.1055/s-002-23510

8th Joint Meeting of AFERP, ASP, GA, PSE and SIF
New York City, July 28 – August 1, 2012

Chairmen: Guy T. Carter, Scientific Organizing Committee – Edward Kennelly, Local Organizing Committee – Issue Editor: Mark O'Neil-Johnson

Batista, ANL; Batista Jr., JM; Zocolo, GJ; Zanoni, MVB; Kato, MJ; López, SN; Furlan, M: Protein and metabolic profiles of Peperomia Obtusifolia (Piperaceae)
Maier, S; Pflüger, T; Andrade, SLA; Bechthold, A: The biosynthesis of mensacarcin and the importance of MSNO8
Holm, DK; Petersen, LM; Klitgaard, A; Jarczynska, Z; Larsen, TO; Mortensen, UH: Elucidation of the biosynthesis of meroterpenoid yanuthone D in Aspergillus Niger
Huerta-Heredia, AA; Vera-Reyes, I; Ponce-Noyola, T; Cerda-García-Rojas, CM; Trejo-Tapia, G; Ramos-Valdivia, AC: Activation of oxidative burst induces antioxidant response and indole alkaloid production in Uncaria Tomentosa root cultures
Cotinguiba, F; López, SN; Labate, CA; Debonsi, HM; Kato, MJ; Furlan, M: Biosynthesis of bioactive piperamides in Piper Tuberculatum (Piperaceae)