Planta Med 2012; 78 - PB9
DOI: 10.1055/s-0032-1320338

The biosynthesis of mensacarcin and the importance of MSNO8

S Maier 1, T Pflüger 2, SLA Andrade 2, A Bechthold 1
  • 1Institute of Pharmaceutical Biology and Biotechnology, Albert-Ludwigs University, Stefan-Meier-Straße 19, 79104 Freiburg, Germany
  • 2Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry, Albert-Ludwigs University, Albertstraße 21, 79104 Freiburg, Germany

Mensacarcin, a hexahydroanthracene, is produced by Streptomyces bottropensis and shows cytotoxic activity. Subsequent knockouts of different genes in the PKSII biosynthetic gene cluster gave more insights into the biosynthesis of mensacarcin. Recently we could show, that MsnO8 catalyzes the epoxide formation in the side chain of mensacarcin [1]. The structure of this protein was solved by X-ray crystallography. To complete the elucidation of the mensacarcin biosynthesis we are currently inactivating further genes. Eventually, we will be able to use this knowledge for combinatorial biosynthesis to produce new anticancer agents.

1. Probst, K., PhD thesis. 2011, University of Freiburg.