DOI : 10.1055/s-00000058

Planta Medica

Issue 12 · Volume 77 · August 2011 DOI: 10.1055/s-002-22180

59th International Congress and Annual Meeting of the Society for Medicinal Plant and Natural Product Research
Antalya, Turkey, 4.–9. September 2011

President: Prof. Dr. K. Hüsnü Can Başer

Singh, SR; Tatke, PA; Naharwar, VP: Lectins from Vigna radiata - A potential health supplement
Bursac, M; Atanackovic, M; Cvejic, J; Vasiljevic, S: Isoflavone profiles in different plant parts of red clover
Uzunovic, A; Hadzidedic, S; Elezovic, A; Pilipovic, S; Sapcanin, A: Evaluation of dissolution profiles of alpha lipoic acid soft gelatin capsules and tablets
Haskovic, A; Copra Janicijevic, A; Topcagic, A; Klepo, L; Kapur, A; Huseinovic, S; Tahirovic, I; Sofic, E: Analysis of ascorbic acid content in various fruits and vegetables by spectrofluorimetric methods
Taha, KF; Hetta, MH; Ali, ME; Yassin, NZ; El Guindi, OD: The pericarp of Pisum sativum L.(Fabaceae) as a biologically active waste product
Helal, AM; Khayyal, MT; Abd El Aziz, HM; Abdel Salam, RM: Developing a nutraceutical from Egyptian stabilized rice bran: a pharmacological approach