DOI : 10.1055/s-00000085

The Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeon

Issue S 01 · Volume 56 · January 2009 DOI: 10.1055/s-002-15169

38thAnnual Meeting of the German Society for Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery
38. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Thorax-, Herz- und Gefässchirurgie
Stuttgart, 15.–18. February 2009

Steger, V; Walles, T; Walker, T; Bail, D; Graf, D; Friedel, G; Ziemer, G: Bridging anticoagulation after prosthetic heart valve replacement – can it be that simple?
Zante, B; Kubik, M; Ohnesseit, C; Reichenspurner, H: Reduced left ventricular function is not a risk factor in cardiac surgery
Kobuch, R; Philipp, A; Arlt, M; Puehler, T; Brünger, F; Kortner, A; Schmid, C: Successful implantation of a minimized extracorporeal circulation system in a desperate obstetrical situation
Krane, M; Bauernschmitt, R; Hiebinger, A; Voss, B; Badiu, CC; Wottke, M; Lange, R: No differences in long term survival between primary cardiac surgery and cardiac reoperation in patients aged 80 years and older
Sanli, E; Strauss, K; Mehlhorn, U; Kayhan, N; Peivandi, AA; Vahl, CF: Intracellular signal transduction after endothelial removal in human myocardium: The effect of age
Kamiya, H; Bening, C; Tanzeem, N; Pedraza, A; Akhyari, P; Kallenbach, K; Ruhparwar, A; Karck, M; Lichtenberg, A: Risk of mortality following aortic valve replacement in late octogenarians
Lotfi, S; Dohmen, G; Oster, O; Moza, A; Spillner, JW; Autschbach, R: Cardiac surgery in octogenarians – risks and benefits in a heterogeneous group
Radovits, T; Loganathan, S; Gerő, D; Sakurai, H; Szabó, C; Karck, M; Szabó, GB: Improvement of aging-associated cardiac and endothelial dysfunction by the copper (II) aspirinate complex
Rex, S; Missant, C; Claus, P; Autschbach, R; Rossaint, R; Wouters, P: Effects of inhaled iloprost in acute pulmonary hypertension: Mechanisms beyond pure vasodilation
Ilg, K; Kamiya, H; Schilling, M; Akhyari, P; Ruhparwar, A; Karck, M; Lichtenberg, A: Long-term survival in patients with postcardiotomy cardiogenic shock requiring an intra-aortic balloon pump (IABP)
Schöttler, J; Cremer, J; Pleger, D; Hagemann, A; Fraund-Cremer, S; v.d. Brelie, M; Ernst, M; Haake, N: Favourable one-year-mortality of cardiac surgery patients with complicated postoperative course
Bickenbach, J; Rossaint, R; Autschbach, R; Dembinski, R: A new technique to visualize alveolar dynamics in a rabbit model
Schmauss, D; Sodian, R; Schmitz, C; Bigdeli, A; Schmoeckel, M; Lueth, T; Freudenthal, F; Reichart, B; Kozlik-Feldmann, R: 3D-printing models to create custom-made devices for coil embolisation of anastomotic leak after aortic arch replacement
Schimmer, C; Weininger, M; Hamouda, K; Ritter, C; Sommer, SP; Bensch, M; Hahn, D; Beissert, M; Leyh, RG: Early diagnosis of poststernotomy mediastinitis: Are there typical findings in contrast-enhanced CT?