Dtsch Med Wochenschr 2004; 129(49): 2660-2665
DOI: 10.1055/s-2004-836093

© Georg Thieme Verlag Stuttgart · New York

Das Kompetenznetzwerk „Akute und chronische Leukämien”[1]

The Competence Network "Acute and chronic Leukemias"R. Hehlmann1 , U. Berger1 , C. Aul2 , Th Büchner3 , H. Döhner4 , G. Ehninger5 , A. Ganser6 , N. Gökbuget7 , D. Hoelzer7 , K. Überla8
  • 1Netzwerkzentrale des Kompetenznetzes „Akute und chronische Leukämien”, III. Medizinische Universitätsklinik, Klinikum Mannheim der Universität Heidelberg
  • 2Medizinische Klinik II, St. Johannes-Hospital Duisburg
  • 3Medizinische Klinik und Poliklinik, Innere Medizin A, Hämatologie und Onkologie, Universitätsklinikum Münster
  • 4Abteilung Innere Medizin III, Universitätsklinikum Ulm
  • 5Medizinische Klinik und Poliklinik I, Universitätsklinikum Carl Gustav Carus, Dresden
  • 6Abt. Hämatologie und Onkologie, Medizinische Hochschule Hannover
  • 7Medizinische Klinik III, Klinikum der J.-W.-Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt
  • 8Institut für Medizinische Informationsverarbeitung, Biometrie und Epidemiologie der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Further Information

Publication History

eingereicht: 14.4.2004

akzeptiert: 3.6.2004

Publication Date:
01 December 2004 (online)


Leukemias are a challenge and a cost factor to society because of their frequency in all age groups. They also serve as a model for a variety of diseases and possess exemplary relevance for basic research and patient care. Leukemia research and therapy have achieved high standards and even a leading position in Germany with regard to clinical trials, standardization of diagnostics and molecular studies of prognostic factors, signal transduction and gene expression. Progress is hampered, however, by fragmentation of leukemia trial groups, diagnostic approaches and treatment research activities.

A network was therefore created to integrate the leading leukemia trial groups on chronic myeloid leukemia (CML), acute myeloid leukemia (AML), acute lymphatic leukemia (ALL), myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) and chronic myeloproliferative diseases (CMPD) and their interdisciplinary partners (diagnostics, treatment research, biometry) in cooperation with basic research and pharmaceutical industry to foster advancements in leukemia-related research and health care through clinical trials, promotion of translational research, introduction of standards for diagnostics and therapy, and development of evidence-based guidelines.

Achievements include establishment of central information, communication and management structures, creation of an AML intergroup comprising five study groups, formation of a myelodysplastic syndromes study group and establishment of platforms for diagnostics, genomics and proteomics, and medical informatics. Exchange of scientific progress is mediated by intra- and internet, biannual newsletters, regular project group meetings and annual network symposia.

Already now, the network structures leukemia therapy and research in Germany and supports the spread of scientific excellence in the field of leukemias.

1 Gefördert durch das Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung, Förderkennzeichen: 01GI0270


  • 1 Förderrichtlinien des BMBF zur Einrichtung von Kompetenznetzwerken für die Medizin (MedNet) vom 15.09.1997. DLR-PT Gesundheitsforschung 1997
  • 2 6th Framework Programme of the EU .Thematic call in the area „Life science, genomics and biotechnology for health”. Cordis 2002
  • 3 Berger U, Engelich G, Pfirrmann M, Hochhaus A, Reiter A, Metzgeroth G, Hasford J, Heinze B, Heimpel H, Hossfeld D K, Kolb H J, Löffler H, Pralle H, Queisser W, Hehlmann R. Chronic myeloid leukemia in the elderly: long-term results from randomized trials with interferon alpha.  Leukemia. 2003;  17 1820-1826
  • 4 Büchner T, Hiddemann W, Berdel W E, Wörmann B, Schoch C, Fonatsch C, Löffler H, Haferlach T, Ludwig W D, Maschmeyer G, Aul C, Grüneisen A, Lengfelder E, Frickhofen N, Kern W, Serve H, Mesters R M, Sauerland M C, Heinecke A. 6-Thioguanine, cytarabine, and daunorubicin (TAD) and High-Dose cytarabine and mitoxantrone (HAM) for induction, TAD for consolidation, and either prolonged maintenance by intensive consolidation by sequential HAM in adult patients at all ages wit hde novo acute myeloid leukemia (AML): a randomized trial of the German AML cooperative Group.  Journal of Clinical Oncology. 2003;  21 4496-4504
  • 5 Büchner T, Hiddemann W, Wörmann B, Löffler H, Gassmann W, Haferlach T, Fonatsch C, Schoch C, Hossfeld D K, Lengfelder E, Aul C, Heyll A, Maschmeyer G, Ludwig W D, Sauerland M C, Heinecke A. Double induction strategy for acute myeloid leukemia: The effect of high dose cytarabine with mithoxanthrone instead of standard-dose cytarabine with daunorubicin and 6-thioguanine: A randomized trial by the German AML Cooperative Group.  Blood. 1999;  93 4116-4124
  • 6 Burchert A, Wolfl S, Schmidt M, Brendel C, Denecke B, Cai D, Odyvanova L, Lahaye T, Müller M C, Berg T, Gschaidmeier H, Wittig B, Hehlmann R, Hochhaus A, Neubauer A. Interferon-alpha, but not the ABL-kinase inhibitor imatinib (STI571), induces expression of myeloblastin and a specific T-cell response in chronic myeloid leukemia.  Blood. 2003;  101 259-264
  • 7 Dugas M, Schoch C, Schnittger S, Haferlach T, Hiddemann W, Messerer D, Überla K. A comprehensive leukemia database: integration of cytogenetics, molecular genetics and microarray data with clinical information, cytomorphology and immunophenotyping.  Leukemia. 2001;  15 1805-1810
  • 8 Fröhling S, Schlenk R F, Breitruck J, Benner A, Kreitmeier S, Tobis K, Döhner H, Döhner K. Prognostic significance of activating FLT3 mutations in younger adults (16 to 60 years) with acute myeloid leukemia and normal cytogenetics: a study of the AML Study Group Ulm.  Blood. 2002;  100 4372-4380
  • 9 Fröhling S, Skelin S, Scholl C, Schlenk R F, Döhner H, Döhner K. Acute Myeloid Leukemia Study Group U . Comparison of cytogenetic and molecular cytogenetic detection of chromosome abnormalities in 240 consecutive adult patients with acute myeloid leukemia.  J Clin Oncol. 2002;  20 2480-2485
  • 10 Hehlmann R, Berger U, Aul C, Büchner T, Döhner H, Ehninger G, Ganser A, Gökbuget N, Hoelzer D, Überla K, Gassmann W, Ludwig W D, Rieder H, Kneba M, Hochhaus A, Reiter A, Hiddemann W, Ottmann O G, Germing U, Adelhard K, Dugas M, Dirschedl P, Messerer D, Böhme A, Harrison-Neu E, Griesshammer M, Kienast J, Kolb H J, Ho A D, Hallek M, Neubauer A, Schlegelberger B, Niederwieser D, Heil G, Müller T, Hasford J. The German Competence Network „Acute and Chronic Leukemias”.  Leukemia. 2004;  18 665-669
  • 11 Hehlmann R, Berger U, Pfirrmann M, Hochhaus A, Metzgeroth G, Maywald J, Hasford J, Reiter A, Hossfeld D K, Kolb H J, Löffler H, Pralle H, Queisser W, Griesshammer M, Nerl C, Kuse R, Tobler A, Eimermacher H, Tichelli A, Aul C, Wilhelm M, Fischer J T, Perker M, Scheid C, Schenk M, Weiß J, Meier C R, Kremers S, Labedzki L, Schmeiser T, Lohrmann H P, Heimpel H. and the German CML Study Group . Randomized Comparison of Interferon α and Hydroxyurea with Hydroxyurea Monotherapy in Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML-Study II): Prolongation of Survival by the Combination of Interferon α and Hydroxyurea.  Leukemia. 2003;  17 1529-1537
  • 12 Hehlmann R, Berger U, Reiter A, Behringer J, Hochhaus A. Midterm Report and follow-up proposals. BMBF, DLR-PT Gesundheitsforschung, Bonn-Bad Godesberg 2002
  • 13 Hoelzer D, Gö kbuget N, Digel W, Faak T h, Kneba M, Reutzel R, Romejko-Jarosinska J, Zwolinski J, Walewski J. for the GMALL Study Group . Outcome of adult patients with T-lymphoblastic lymphoma treated according to protocols for ALL.  Blood. 2002;  99 4379-4385
  • 14 Ludwig W D, Haferlach T, Schoch C. Classification of Acute Leukemias: Perspective 1. Totowa: Humana Press In: Pui CH, editor. Treatment of acute leukemias: New directions for clinical research 2003: 3-41
  • 15 Müller M C, Gattermann N, Lahaye T, Deininger M WN, Frühauf S, Neubauer A, Fischer T, Hossfeld D K, Schneller F, Krause S W, Nerl C, Sayer H G, Ottmann O G, Aulitzky W, Freund M, Paschka P, König H, Kreil S, Berger U, Gschaidmeier H, Hehlmann R, Hochhaus A. Dynamics of BCR-ABL mRNA expression in first line therapy of chronic myelogenous leukemia patients with imatinib or interferon α/ara-C.  Leukemia. 2003;  17 2392-2400
  • 16 Paschka P, Müller M C, Merx K, Kreil S, Schoch C, Lahaye T, Weisser A, Petzold A, König H, Berger U, Gschaidmeier H, Hehlmann R, Hochhaus A. Molecular monitoring of response to imatinib (Glivec(R)) in CML patients pretreated with interferon alpha. Low levels of residual disease are associated with continuous remission.  Leukemia. 2003;  17 1687-1694
  • 17 Schnittger S, Schoch C, Dugas M, Kern W, Staib P, Wuchter C, Löffler H, Sauerland C M, Serve H, Büchner T, Haferlach T, Hiddemann W. Analysis of FLT3 length mutations in 1003 patients with acute myeloid leukemia: correlation to cytogenetics, FAB subtype, and prognosis in the AMLCG study and usefulness as a marker for the detection of minimal residual disease.  Blood. 2002;  100 59-66
  • 18 Schoch C, Schnittger S, Bursch S, Hochhaus A, Berger U, Hehlmann R, Hiddemann W, Haferlach T. Comparison of chromosome banding analysis, interphase- and hypermetaphase-FISH, qualitative and quantitative PCR for diagnosis and for follow-up in chronic myeloid leukemia: a study on 350 cases.  Leukemia. 2002;  16 53-59
  • 19 Thiede C, Steudel C, Mohr B, Schaich M, Schäkel U, Platzbecker U, Wermke M, Bornhäuser M, Ritter M, Neubauer A, Ehninger G, Illmer T. Analysis of FLT3-activating mutations in 979 patients with acute myelogenous leukemia: association with FAB subtypes and identification of subgroups with poor prognosis.  Blood. 2002;  99 4326-4335
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1 Gefördert durch das Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung, Förderkennzeichen: 01GI0270

Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Hehlmann

III. Medizinische Universitätsklinik, Klinikum Mannheim der Universität Heidelberg

Wiesbadener Straße 7-11

68305 Mannheim

Phone: +49/0/621/3834234

Fax: +49/0/621/3834239

Email: r.hehlmann@urz.uni-heidelberg.de