Organic Materials

Rubrik: Supramolecular Chemistry

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Ausgabe 02/2023

Tian, Ke; Wang, Xubin; Schuldt, Moritz P.; Elbert, Sven M.; Rominger, Frank; Mastalerz, Michael: [4 + 4]-Imine Cage Compounds with Nitrogen-Rich Cavities and Tetrahedral Geometry

Ausgabe 04/2022

Schmickler, Nils; Hofmeister, David A.; Bahr, Joshua; Schedlbauer, Jakob; Jester, Stefan-S.; Lupton, John M.; Höger, Sigurd: An Azobenzene-Clamped Bichromophore
Fleck-Kunde, Tom; Wolpert, Emma H.; zur, LauraHorst zur; Oestreich, Robert; Janiak, Christoph; Jelfs, Kim E.; Schmidt, Bernd M.: Observation of Rare Tri6Di9 Imine Cages Using Highly Fluorinated Building Blocks
Grüninger, Saskia; Mevissen, Christian; Rissanen, Kari; Ward, Jas S.; Albrecht, Markus: Expansion and Compression of a Helicate with Central Diol Units as Stereocontrolling Moieties

Ausgabe 03/2022

Mehrparvar, Saber; Wölper, Christoph; Gleiter, Rolf; Haberhauer, Gebhard: Bifurcated Chalcogen Bonds Based on One σ-Hole
Solymosi, Iris; Sabin, Juan; Maid, Harald; Friedrich, Lea; Nuin, Edurne; Pérez-Ojeda, M. Eugenia; Hirsch, Andreas: Bis-pseudorotaxane Formation of Perylene Bisimide-Linked [60]Fullerene Dumbbell-Like Molecules with [10]Cycloparaphenylene
Schmid, Sylvia; Wunderlin, Markus; Mena-Osteritz, Elena; Bäuerle, Peter: Copper-Templated Formation of Dihelical Oligothiophene–Phenanthroline Assemblies
Vogel, David; Ornago, Luca; Wegeberg, Christina; Prescimone, Alessandro; van, Herreder Zant; Mayor, Marcel: 2,5-Diaryl 6-hydroxyphenalenones for Single-Molecule Junctions
Jucker, Laurent; Ochs, Maximilian; Kullock, René; Aeschi, Yves; Hecht, Bert; Mayor, Marcel: Development of Rotaxanes as E-Field-Sensitive Superstructures in Plasmonic Nano-Antennas
Gallego, Lucía; Woods, Joseph F.; Rickhaus, Michel: Recent Concepts for Supramolecular 2D Materials

Ausgabe 02/2022

Schwer, Fabian; Zank, Simon; Freiberger, Markus; Kaur, Ramandeep; Frühwald, Stefan; Robertson, Craig C.; Görling, Andreas; Drewello, Thomas; Guldi, Dirk M.; von Delius, Max: Synthesis and C60 Binding of Aza[10]CPP and N-Methylaza[10]CPP