Synthesis 2021; 53(08): 1423-1433
DOI: 10.1055/s-0040-1706017
short review

Hydroxylamines as One-Atom Nitrogen Sources for Metal-Catalyzed Cycloadditions

Jingxun Yu
Xinjun Luan
We thank the National Science Foundation of China (21925108), the Shaanxi Key Science and Technology Innovation Team Project (2017KCT-37), the Education Department of Shaanxi Province (18JS108), and the Key Laboratory Project of Xi’an (201805058ZD9CG42) for financial support.


Transition-metal-catalyzed C–N bond formation is one of the most important pathways to synthesize N-heterocycles. Hydroxylamines can be transformed into a nucleophilic reagent to react with a carbon cation or coordinate with a transition metal; it can also become an electrophilic nitrogen source to react with arenes, alkenes, and alkynes. In this short review, the progress made on transition-metal-catalyzed cycloadditions with hydroxylamines as a nitrogen source is summarized.

1 Introduction

2 Cycloaddition To Form Aziridine Derivatives

2.1 Intramolecular Cycloaddition To Form Aziridine Derivatives

2.2 Intermolecular Cycloaddition To Form Aziridine Derivatives

3 Cycloaddition To Form Indole Derivatives

4 Cycloaddition To Form Other N-Heterocycles

4.1 Aza-Heck-Type Amination Reactions

4.2 Nitrene Insertion Amination Reactions

4.3 Intramolecular Nucleophilic and Electrophilic Amination Reactions

5 Conclusion and Outlook


Eingereicht: 25. November 2020

Angenommen nach Revision: 01. Januar 2021

Artikel online veröffentlicht:
25. Januar 2021

© 2021. Thieme. All rights reserved

Georg Thieme Verlag KG
Rüdigerstraße 14, 70469 Stuttgart, Germany

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