Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2009; 57(3): 176-177
DOI: 10.1055/s-2008-1038705
Short Communications

© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York

Late Perforation of a Right Ventricular Pacing Lead: A Potentially Dangerous Complication

T. Schroeter1 , N. Doll1 , M. A. Borger1 , H. V. Groesdonk2 , D. R. Merk1 , F. W. Mohr1
  • 1Department of Cardiac Surgery, Heart Center Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany
  • 2Department of Anesthesiology, Heart Center Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany
Further Information

Publication History

received April 17, 2008

Publication Date:
27 March 2009 (online)


Four days after uncomplicated implantation of a two-chamber pacemaker and a normal postoperative course, a patient was referred to our hospital with left-sided hemothorax and early hemorrhagic shock. Chest X‐ray and CT scan were suspicious of a right ventricular lead perforation with additional pericardial and pleural injury. Immediate surgery was performed via a lateral thoracotomy and the perforation was repaired via direct suture. An epimyocardial ventricular lead was implanted simultaneously. The patient made an uneventful recovery.


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  • 6 Ishikawa K, Cida K, Taniguchi T. Myocardial perforation and/or penetration by a permanent endocardial electrode of the pacemaker in autopsy cases.  J Arrhythmia. 1999;  15 29-44
  • 7 Greenberg S, Lawton J, Chen J. Right ventricular lead perforation presenting as left chest wall muscle stimulation.  Circulation. 2004;  111 e451-e452
  • 8 Dilling-Boer D, Ector H, Willems R, Heidbüchel H. Pericardial effusion and right-sided pneumothroax resulting from an atrial active-fixation lead.  Europace. 2003;  5 419-423
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MD Thomas Schroeter

Heart Center Leipzig
Department of Cardiac Surgery

Struempellstrasse 38

04155 Leipzig


Phone: + 49 (0) 3 41 86 50
