Journal of Neurological Surgery Part B: Skull Base
Issue 01 ·
Volume 86 ·
February 2025
DOI: 10.1055/s-015-60978
Original Article
Petito, Gabrielle;
Hu, Alex;
Zhang, Grace;
Min, Susie;
Tripathi, Siddhant H.;
Kumar, Adithya;
Shukla, Geet;
Shah, Sanjit;
Phillips, Katie M.;
Jana, Suman;
Forbes, Jonathan A.;
Zuccarello, Mario;
Andaluz, Norberto O.;
Sedaghat, Ahmad R.:
Risk Factors for Development of Diabetes Insipidus and Syndrome of Inappropriate Antidiuretic Hormone Secretion after Transsphenoidal Resection of Pituitary Adenoma
Park, Minhae;
Shin, Joongbo;
Lee, Eunkyu;
Ryu, Gwanghui;
Kang, Min Chae;
Park, Kyung-Ah;
Kong, Doo-Sik;
Huh, Kyungmin;
Kim, Kyunga;
Kim, Hyo-Yeol;
Jung, Yong Gi;
Hong, Sang Duk:
Neuro-ophthalmologic Outcomes of Orbital Apex Syndrome Caused by Invasive Fungal Rhinosinusitis
Chang, Michael T.;
Grimm, David;
Asmaro, Karam;
Yong, Michael;
Low, Christopher;
Lee, Christine K.;
Nayak, Jayakar V.;
Hwang, Peter H.;
Fernandez-Miranda, Juan C.;
Patel, Zara M.:
Ipsilateral Nasoseptal Flaps in a Transpterygoid Approach: Technical Pearls and Reconstruction Outcomes