DOI: 10.1055/s-00042863

Indian Journal of Plastic Surgery


Publication Date: 27 August 2024

Publication Date: 16 August 2024

Case Report

Mohan, Padmalakshmi Bharathi; Chittoria, RaviKumar; Ramalingam, Shanmugapriya; Reddy, Bharath Prakash; Gupta, Kanav; Chakiath, Jacob Antony: Use of Biodegradable Temporizing Matrix for Pediatric Tendoachilles Exposure: A Novel Technique in Complex Traumatic Wound Management—A Case Report

Original Article

Rajendiran, Subashini; Pai, G. Mithun; Verma, Vishal; Rajappa, Srinivasan; Bhat, Anil; Gaba, Sunil; Thatte, Mukund: Normative Data of Grip Strength and Pinch Strength in the Indian Population

Original Article

Publication Date: 12 August 2024

Publication Date: 05 August 2024

Case Report

Srikanth, R.; Reddy, D. Mukunda; Reddy, K. Muralimohana; Rambabu, N.; Kishore, V. Ganga; Naidu, Sandeep: Multiple Free Flaps and Second Toe Transfer to Salvage Grasp Function in Bilateral Complete Degloved Hands

Original Article

Thatte, M.R.; Agarwal, Pawan; Bhat, Anil; Baba, P. Umar Farooq; Ghanghurde, Bipin; Pai, Mithun; Shah, Harsh R.; Kulkarni, Onkar; Dugad, Anand; Saraf, Mansi; B., Rajesh; Shah, Raheeb Ahmad; Dhakar, Jagmoah Singh; Sharma, Dhananjaya: Normative Data of Ulnar Length in Pediatric Indian Population

Publication Date: 01 August 2024

Original Article

B.K, Mohamed Ibrahim; Baba, P. Umar Farooq; Singh, Veena; Karanjkar, Ankur; Madhavan, Latha; Shah, Raheeb Ahmad; Haq, Ansarul; Pawar, Manoj; Kumari, Anupama; Panse, Nikhil; G., Vishnubabu; Pandian, Shyamnath Krishna; Sharma, Anirudha; Krishnamoorthy, Rajagopalan; Thatte, Mukund; Bhat, Anil; Krishnamoorthy, Sridhar: The Normal Active Range of Motion of the Index, Middle, Ring, and Little Fingers in a Sample of Indian Population

Publication Date: 30 July 2024

Publication Date: 23 July 2024

Mukund and Urmila Thatte Endowment Article

Publication Date: 18 July 2024

Original Article

Korambayil, Pradeoth Mukundan; Sanghvi, Hemang Arvind; Dilliraj, Vinoth Kumar; Ambookan, Prashanth Varkey: Evaluating Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy to Improve Single-Stage Dermal Substitute and Skin Grafting: A Comparative Study

Original Article

Publication Date: 04 July 2024

Case Report

Alvedro-Ruiz, Pedro; Sánchez-García, Alberto; Heredia-Alcalde, Iván; Andresen-Lorca, Belén; Trapero-Ovejero, Ana; Alonso-Carpio, Miriam; García-Pastor, Providencia; Pous-Serrano, Salvador; Pérez-García, Alberto: Pelvic Ring Reconstruction with an Osteocutaneous Fibula Flap for Abdominal Wall Repair in Adults with Bladder Exstrophy

Letter to The Editor

VP, Basima Usman; Menon, Raghuram; Thomas, Sebin V.; M., Prajwal; Narayanan, Saju: A Case of Cyanoacrylate Glue Burns in a Two-Year-Old Child

Publication Date: 02 July 2024

Case Report

Varadha Rajan, Ashwini; Varadharajan, Vigneswaran; Bhardwaj, Praveen; Sabapathy, S. Raja: Volar Plate Draping (VPD) for Severely Comminuted Proximal Phalanx Head Fractures

Publication Date: 25 June 2024

Letter to the Editor

Original Article

Agarwal, Pawan; Thatte, M. R.; Saraf, Mansi; Bobba, Rajesh; Sharma, Dhananjaya; Dhakar, Jagmoah Singh: Normative Values for Thumb Length in Central Indian Adult Population
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