DOI : 10.1055/s-00000058

Planta Medica

Issue 15 · Volume 87 · December 2021 DOI: 10.1055/s-011-52534

GA – 69th Annual Meeting 2021, Virtual conference
Bonn, Germany, 05.–08.09.2021

Prof. Dr. Werner Knöss

Prokop, Désirée; Spergser, Joachim; Hagmüller, Werner; Tichy, Alexander; Zitterl-Eglseer, Karin: Efficacy of Norway spruce ointments and bacterial and fungal alterations in the treatment of castration wounds in piglets
Horgan, MJ.; Poulopoulou, I.; Sigg, I.; Palmieri, L.; Martinidou, E.; Martens, S.; Fusani, P.; Siewert, B.; Temml, V.; Albertini, E.; Gauly, M.; Jansen-Dürr, P.; Stuppner, H.: Alpine Sow-Thistle Against Nematodes: A Dual Approach to Anthelmintic Discovery
Posłuszny, Martyna; Szadkowska, Dominika; Chłopecka, Magdalena; Suor-Cherer, Sorphon; Benarbia, Mohammed el Amine; Mendel, Marta: Melissa officinalis as gut contractility modifier in swine – ex vivo study
Stoiber, C; Teichmann, K; Standen, B; Gruber, C; Tacconi, A; Mohnl, M: Effect of a phytogenic feed additive on survival and performance of shrimps receiving a fish meal reduced diet
Schlittenlacher, T; Knubben-Schweizer, G; Maeschli, A; Walkenhorst, M: Ethnoveterinary use of medicinal plants for treatment of dogs – a survey in Bavaria
Pérez Sabino, J.F.; Mérida-Reyes, M.S.; Muñoz-Wug, M.A.; Oliva-Hernández, B.E.; Orozco-Chilel, R.M.; García-Pérez, J.E.; Caravantes-Alvarado, Z.: Biological activity of the ethanolic extracts and essential oils of four species of the genus Lippia from Guatemala, against the aquaculture pathogen Aeromonas hydrophila
Ayrle-Stauss, H; Mevissen, M; Bruckmaier, R M; Wellnitz, O; Kaske, M; Bieber, A; Vögtlin, A; Fricker, R; Walkenhorst, M: Effects of Echinacea purpurea (L.) Moench extract in calves
Durrer, M; Mevissen, M; Holinger, M; Hamburger, M; Graf-Schiller, S; Mayer, P; Potterat, O; Bruckmaier, R; Walkenhorst, M: A multicomponent herbal extract to treat subclinical ketosis of dairy cows