DOI: 10.1055/s-00051518

European Journal of General Dentistry

Issue 02 · Volume 3 · May 2014 DOI: 10.1055/s-011-52130

Review Article

Original Article

Dorner, Andressa Rodrigues; Ferraz da Silva, João Maurício; Uemura, Eduardo Shigueyuki; Borges, Alexandre LuizSouto; Fernandes, Virgilio Vilas Boas; Yamamoto, Eron Toshio Colauto: Effect of disinfection of irreversible hydrocolloid impression materials with 1% sodium hypochlorite on surface roughness and dimensional accuracy of dental stone casts
Butchibabu, Kalakonda; Koppolu, Pradeep; Mishra, Ashank; Pandey, Ruchi; Swapna, Lingam Amara; Uppada, Uday Kiran: Evaluation of patient perceptions after labial frenectomy procedure: A comparison of diode laser and scalpel techniques
Costa, Paula Bonfim Almeida; Bittencourt, Marcos Alan Vieira; Rocha Rebello, Iêda Margarida Crusoé: Assessment of mandibular ramus thickness in Afro-Brazilian subjects using computed tomography

Case Report

Subramaniam, Priya; Girish Babu, K. L.; Jayasurya, Shurti; Prahalad, Divya: Dental management of a child with Goldenhar syndrome

Letter to Editor

Pereira, Treville; Shetty, Subraj; Pereira, Svylvy: Giant calculus