DOI: 10.1055/s-00035037

Methods of Information in Medicine

Ausgabe 01 · Volume 56 · 2017 DOI: 10.1055/s-008-37729


Palojoki, Sari; Pajunen, Tuuli; Lehtonen, Lasse; Saranto, Kaija: FIN-TIERA: A Tool for Assessing Technology Induced Errors
Petit-Monéger, Aurélie; Saillour-Glénisson, Florence; Nouette-Gaulain, Karine; Jouhet, Vianney; Salmi, Louis-Rachid: Comparing Graphical Formats for Feedback of Clinical Practice Data

Wearable Therapy

Gray, Kathleen; Martin-Sanchez, Fernando J.; Lopez-Campos, Guillermo H.; Almalki, Manal; Merolli, Mark: Person-generated Data in Self-quantification
Miranda, Darién; Favela, Jesús; Arnrich, Bert: Detecting Anxiety States when Caring for People with Dementia
Backere, Femke De; Bergh, Jan Van den; Coppers, Sven; Elprama, Shirley; Nelis, Jelle; Verstichel, Stijn; Jacobs, An; Coninx, Karin; Ongenae, Femke; Turck, Filip De: Social-aware Event Handling within the FallRisk Project
Park, Eunjeong; Lee, Sunghoon I.; Nam, Hyo Suk; Garst, Jordan H.; Huang, Alex; Campion, Andrew; Arnell, Monica; Ghalehsariand, Nima; Park, Sangsoo; Chang, Hyuk-jae; Lu, Daniel C.; Sarrafzadeh, Majid: Unobtrusive and Continuous Monitoring of Alcohol-impaired Gait Using Smart Shoes