DOI: 10.1055/s-00000085

The Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeon

Issue 02 · Volume 31 · April 1983 DOI: 10.1055/s-002-8957

Special Article

Klippe, H. J.; Löhr, J.; Windheim, Kv: Infections after Pleuro-pulmonary Surgery*

Lüdtke-Handjery, A.; Schümann, L.; Gref, H.; Debbert, R.; Krüger, B.: Are Axillofemoral Bypass Grafts Worthwhile? A 10-year Review
Huth, C.; Schmidt, J.; Seboldt, H.; Hoffmeister, H. E.: Late Results after Tubbs Closed Mitral Commissurotomy
Rizzoli, G.; Russo, R.; Resta, M.; Valfré, C.; Mazzucco, A.; Brumana, T.; Aru, G.; Livi, U.; Gallucci, V.: Mitral Valve Prosthesis Dehiscence Necessitating Reoperation. An Analysis of the Risk Factors Involved*
Binet, J. P.; Losay, J.; Demontoux, S.; Planche, C.; Langlois, J.: Subvalvular Aortic Stenosis: Long-term Surgical Results
Hafez, A.; Conso, J. F.; Belhaj, M.; Planche, C.; Binet, J. P.: Perirenal Space Implantation of Permanent Cardiac Pacemakers in Infants and Small Children
Alvarez Diaz, F.; Cabo Salvador, J.; Rivas, J.; Alvarado, F.; Cordovilla Zurdo, G.: Technical Advances in the Senning Operation
Labitzke, R.; Schramm†, G.; Witzel, U.; Quisthout, P.: “Sleeve-Rope Closure” of the Median Sternotomy after Open Heart Operation

Case Report

How to do it

Laughlin, L. L.; Holland, D. L.; Wareham, E. E.: Left Heart Decompression via the Pulmonary Artery