DOI: 10.1055/s-00000025

Hormone and Metabolic Research

Ausgabe 11 · Volume 13 · November 1981 DOI: 10.1055/s-002-8642

García Puig, J.; Antón, F. Mateos; Grande, C.; Pallardo, L. F.; Arnalich, F.; Gaspar, G.; Gil, A.; Vazquez, J. J.; Montero, A.: Renal Tubular Function and Urinary Acidification Capacity in Early Juvenile Diabetes
Gray, R. S.; Borsey, D. Q.; Kurtz, A.; Rainbow, S.; Smith, A. F.; Elton, R. A.; Duncan, L. J. P.; Clarke, B. F.: Relationship of Glycosylated Haemoglobin to C-Peptide Secretory Status and Antibody Binding of Insulin in Insulin-Dependent Diabetes
Miralles-García, J. M.; García-Iglesias, C.; De Pablo-Dávila, F.; Lanao, J. M.; del Pozo, S. Castro: Thyroxine and Triiodothyronine Kinetics and Extrathyroidal Peripheral Conversion Rate of Thyroxine to Triiodothyronine in Healthy Elderly Humans
Zamrazil, V.; Němec, J.; Neradilová, M.; Nedvídková, J.; Blahošová, A.; Felt, V.; Havelka, J.; Bednář, J.: Comparison of Metabolic Effects of Glucagon and Calcitonin and Assessment of Direct Effect of Glucagon on Calcitonin Level in Athyroid Man

Short Communications

Cathelineau, G.; Vexiau, P.; Guittard, M.: Effect of Calcium Infusion on Post-Reactive Hypoglycemia
Lal, S.; Tolis, G.; McDonald, T. J.; Cervantes, P.; Dupré, J.: Effect of Clonidine on Growth Hormone and Glucagon Secretion
Bosello, O.; Ferrari, F.; Tonon, M.; Cigolini, M.; Micciolo, R.; Renoffio, M.: Serum Thyroid Hormone Concentration during Semi-Starvation and Physical Exercise