DOI: 10.1055/s-00000025

Hormone and Metabolic Research

Ausgabe 06 · Volume 16 · Juni 1984 DOI: 10.1055/s-002-8481

Pasquali, R.; Malini, P. L.; Strocchi, E.; Casimirri, F.; Melchionda, N.; Ambrosioni, E.: Erythrocyte Na+-K+-ATPase in Obese Patients
Jiménez, E.; Montiel, M.; Narváez, J. A.; Miranda, M. T.; Parras, L.; Morell, M.: The Influence of Plasma Renin Substrate on the Relationship between Plasma Renin Activity and Plasma Renin Concentration

Short Communications

Nakao, K.; Kagawa, S.; Shimizu, S.; Jha, B.; Matsuoka, A.: A Possible Role for Insulin-Receptor Subunit in Degrading Receptor-Bound Insulin
Kraft, Karin; Edelmann, A.; Entzian, W.; Nocke-Finck, Lieselotte: Suppression of Plasma Prolactin in a Patient with a Pinealocytoma
Nishida, S.; Matsuki, M.; Nagase, Y.; Horino, M.; Endoh, M.; Kakita, K.; Tenku, A.; Oyama, H.: Suppression of the Plasma Cortisol Level by a Single Large Dose of Dexamethasone Administered in the Morning in Cushing's Disease
Nishi, Y.; Okahata, H.; Muraki, K.; Hatano, S.; Aihara, K.; Miyachi, Y.; Usui, T.: The Effect of Zinc Ion on Adenylate Cyclase in Rat Testicular Tissue