DOI: 10.1055/s-00000015

European Journal of Pediatric Surgery

Issue 02 · Volume 7 · April 1997 DOI: 10.1055/s-002-12321


Original article

Bourdelat, D.; Vrsansky, P.; Pagès, R.; Duhamel, B.: Duhamel Operation 40 Years After: A Multicentric Study
Yanagihara, J.; Iwai, N.; Tokiwa, K.; Deguchi, E.; Shimotake, T.: Results of a Modified Duhamel Operation for Hirschsprung's Disease Using the GIA Stapler
Cacciari, A.; Ceccarelli, P. L.; Pilu, G. L.; Bianchini, M. A.; Mordenti, M.; Gabrielli, S.; Milano, V.; Zanetti, G.; Pigna, A.; Gentili, A.: A Series of 17 Cases of Congenital Cystic Adenomatoid Malformation of the Lung: Management and Outcome
Kluth, D.; Bührer, C.; Nestoris, S.; Tander, B.; Bittner, C.; Werner, C.; Lambrecht, W.: Inhaled Nitric Oxide Increases Survival Rates in Newborn Rats with Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia
Luciani, J. L.; Allal, H.; Polliotto, S.; Galais, C.; Galifer, R. B.: Prognostic Factors of the Postoperative Vomiting in Case of Hypertrophic Pyloric Stenosis
Stuhldreier, G.; Kirschner, H.-J.; Astfalk, W.; Schweizer, P.; Huppert, P. E.; Grunert, T.: Three-Dimensional Endosonography of the Pelvic Floor: An Additional Diagnostic Tool in Surgery for Continence Problems in Children

Case report

Çetinkurşun, S.; Öztürk, H.; Celasun, B.; Sakarya, M. T.; Sürer, I.: Isolated Abdominal Bronchogenic Cyst: A Case Report
Leitão, B.; Mota, C. R.; Enes, C.; Ferreira, P.; Vieira, P.; Requeijo, D.: Acute Gastric Volvulus and Congenital Posterolateral Diaphragmatic Hernia
Demetriadis, D.; Ververidis, M.; Papathanasiou, D.; Bania, D.; Giannoulopoulos, G.: Pancreatitis Due to Cystic Duodenal Duplication in a 12-Year-Old Child
Fuchs, J.; Maschek, H.; Schweinitz, D. v; Glüer, S.; Mildenberger, H.: Retroperitoneal Lymphangiomyoma in an Infant
Liolios, N.; Anagnostopoulos, D.; Sinopidis, X.; Vassou, N.; Kasselas, V.: Torsion of Spermatocele and Aplasia of the Vas Deferens. A Case Report
Şanal, M.; Küçükçelebi, A.; Abasiyanik, F.; Erdoğan, S.; Kocabaşoğlu, U.: Fetus in Fetu and Cystic Rectal Duplication in a Newborn
Somuncu, S.; Bernay, F.; Rizalar, R.; Aritürk, E.; Günaydin, M.; Gürses, N.: Congenital Lumbar Hernia Associated with the Lumbocostovertebral Syndrome: Two Cases