Endoscopy 2009; 41(11): 993-996
DOI: 10.1055/s-0029-1215126
Case report

© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York

Endoscopic stone removal using a scissors papillotome followed by papillary balloon dilation in patients with Billroth II gastrectomy – a case series

H.  J.  Choi1 , J.  H.  Moon1 , B.  M.  Ko1 , Y.  J.  Kim1 , Y.  K.  Cheon1 , Y.  D.  Cho1 , M.  S.  Lee1 , C.  S.  Shim1
  • 1Digestive Disease Center, Department of Internal Medicine, Soon Chun Hyang University School of Medicine, Bucheon, Korea
Further Information

Publication History

submitted5 April 2009

accepted after revision16 July 2009

Publication Date:
28 October 2009 (online)


The endoscopic removal of bile duct stones in patients with a previous Billroth II gastrectomy involves several obstacles in the approach to the ampulla of Vater, with selective cannulation and endoscopic sphincterotomy (EST) required for stone removal. EST in patients with a Billroth II gastrectomy remains a challenge to the biliary endoscopist because of technical difficulties and the fear of associated complications [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6].

Given these obstacles, endoscopic papillary balloon dilation (EPBD) has been suggested as an alternative method for the removal of bile duct stones in patients with a Billroth II gastrectomy. However, EPBD carries a risk for pancreatitis and is limited in its ability to remove large bile duct stones [7] [8] [9] [10] [11]. Recently, EPBD with a large-diameter balloon in conjunction with a preceding EST was reported as an effective modality for the endoscopic removal of bile duct stones [6] [12] [13].

Heiss et al. [14] introduced biliary sphincter scissors for precut access and described their advantages over a needle knife. We attempted EST using this scissors papillotome in patients with a Billroth II gastrectomy, and evaluated the feasibility and utility of the scissors in conjunction with EPBD for bile duct stone removal.


  • 1 Forbes A, Cotton P B. ERCP and sphincterotomy after Billroth II gastrectomy.  Gut. 1984;  25 971-974
  • 2 Osnes M, Rosseland A R, Aabakken L. Endoscopic retrograde cholangiography and endoscopic papillotomy in patients with a previous Billroth-II resection.  Gut. 1986;  27 1193-1198
  • 3 van Buuren H R, Boender J, Nix G A, van Blankenstein M. Needle-knife sphincterotomy guided by a biliary endoprosthesis in Billroth II gastrectomy patients.  Endoscopy. 1995;  27 229-232
  • 4 Wang Y G, Binmoeller K F, Seifert H. et al . A new guide wire papillotome for patients with Billroth II gastrectomy.  Endoscopy. 1996;  28 254-255
  • 5 Hintze R E, Veltzke W, Adler A, Abou-Rebyeh H. Endoscopic sphincterotomy using an S-shaped sphincterotome in patients with a Billroth II or Roux-en-Y gastrojejunostomy.  Endoscopy. 1997;  29 74-78
  • 6 Kim G H, Kang D H, Song G A. et al . Endoscopic removal of bile-duct stones by using a rotatable papillotome and a large-balloon dilator in patients with a Billroth II gastrectomy (with video).  Gastrointest Endosc. 2008;  67 1134-1138
  • 7 Disario J A, Freeman M L, Bjorkman D J. et al . Endoscopic balloon dilation compared with sphincterotomy for extraction of bile duct stones.  Gastroenterology. 2004;  127 1291-1299
  • 8 Baron T H, Harewood G C. Endoscopic balloon dilation of the biliary sphincter compared to endoscopic biliary sphincterotomy for removal of common bile duct stones during ERCP: a metaanalysis of randomized, controlled trials.  Am J Gastroenterol. 2004;  99 1455-1460
  • 9 Cairns S R. Endoscopic balloon sphincteroplasty: use in a patient with a Billroth II gastrectomy.  Endoscopy. 1996;  28 790
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  • 11 Bergman J J, van Berkel A M, Bruno M J. et al . A randomized trial of endoscopic balloon dilation and endoscopic sphincterotomy for removal of bile duct stones in patients with a prior Billroth II gastrectomy.  Gastrointest Endosc. 2001;  53 19-26
  • 12 Ersoz G, Tekesin O, Ozutemiz A O, Gunsar F. Biliary sphincterotomy plus dilation with a large balloon for bile duct stones that are difficult to extract.  Gastrointest Endosc. 2003;  57 156-159
  • 13 Attasaranya S, Cheon Y K, Vittal H. et al . Large-diameter biliary orifice balloon dilation to aid in endoscopic bile duct stone removal: a multicenter series.  Gastrointest Endosc. 2008;  67 1046-1052
  • 14 Heiss F W, Cimis Jr. R S, MacMillan Jr. F P. Biliary sphincter scissor for pre-cut access: preliminary experience.  Gastrointest Endosc. 2002;  55 719-722
  • 15 Park D H, Kim M H, Lee S K. et al . Endoscopic sphincterotomy vs. endoscopic papillary balloon dilation for choledocholithiasis in patients with liver cirrhosis and coagulopathy.  Gastrointest Endosc. 2004;  60 180-185
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J. H. MoonMD, PhD 

Digestive Disease Center
Soon Chun Hyang University School of Medicine
Soon Chun Hyang University Bucheon Hospital

1174 Jung-Dong
Bucheon 420–767

Fax: +82-32-6215080

Email: jhmoon@schbc.ac.kr