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DOI: 10.1055/s-0042-124425
Berufliche Wiedereingliederung nach akutem Herzinfarkt
Return to Work after Acute Myocardial InfarctionPublication History
Publication Date:
21 April 2017 (online)

Vocational reintegration provides a key goal for patients after myocardial infarction both from social as well as from individual perspective. Return to work rate is determined by medical parameters such as left ventricular function, residual ischemia and rhythm stability, as well as by occupational requirement profile such as the blue or white collar work, night shifts and the way capacity. Psycho-social factors including depression, self-assessment of their own situation and pre-existing cognitive impairment to a large extent determine the reintegration. Optimally, re-employment should be performed immediately after cardiac rehabilitation in patient after uncomplicated myocardial infarction. After a long hospitalization phase a stepwise inclusion is recommended. In failed reintegration particularly in younger workers retraining should be considered.
Die berufliche Wiedereingliederung von Patienten nach akutem Herzinfarkt stellt sowohl aus gesellschaftlicher wie auch aus individueller Sicht einen entscheidenden Schritt zur vollständigen Rekonvaleszenz dar. Lediglich 10% der Patienten werden durch kardiale Probleme an der Reintegration behindert. Neben medizinischen und berufsbezogenen Faktoren determinieren insbesondere psychosoziale Parameter eine erfolgreiche Wiederaufnahme der Tätigkeit. Verschiedene Programme der Rentenversicherungsträger werden dabei unterstützend angeboten.
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