Synlett 2018; 29(19): 2515-2522
DOI: 10.1055/s-0037-1609946
© Georg Thieme Verlag Stuttgart · New York

Novel Fluorescent Fluorene-Containing Conjugated Polymers: Synthesis, Photophysical Properties, and Application for the Detection of Common Bisphenols

Daniel R. Jones
Ryan Vallee
Mindy Levine*
Department of Chemistry, University of Rhode Island, 140 Flagg Road, Kingston, 02881, USA   eMail:
› Institutsangaben
The authors acknowledge the University of Rhode Island chemistry department for funding of this work.
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Received: 16. Juli 2018

Accepted after revision: 13. August 2018

20. September 2018 (online)

Published as part of the Cluster Synthesis of Materials


Eight new fluorescent conjugated polymers were synthesized by the Suzuki polycondensation reaction of 9,9-dioctylfluorene-2,7-diboronic acid bis(1,3-propanediol) ester and a conjugated dihalogenated monomer. The photophysical properties of these polymers were investigated as well-dissolved solutions in chloroform and as nanoparticle suspensions in water. Several of the polymers had large Stokes shifts (greater than 100 nm) and others demonstrated unique changes in the fluorescence properties in aggregated verse nonaggregated forms. Preliminary applications of these polymers in the detection of common bisphenols are also reported.

Supporting Information

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