Dtsch Med Wochenschr 2018; 143(25): 1826-1831
DOI: 10.1055/a-0649-0274
© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York

Gar ned krank is a ned g’sund[*]

Karl Valentin und die MedizinIt can not be healthy not to be ill
Wilfried Müller
Klaus Mann
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18. Dezember 2018 (online)


This article is written in remembrance of Karl Valentin’s 70th anniversary of his death. He was a comedian and song writer suffering from vegetative dystonia and depression lifelong. This hypochondriac developed extreme self observation and had anxiety to get ill permanently. As one year old, his brother died of diphteria and he was close to death himself. After jumping in an ice cold river in Munich as a young man he caught a pneumonia. From that day he had a undefined long lasting lung disease. His performances and pieces of literature in Bavarian dialect are characterized by critical thoughts about the world in general and human vulnerability including his own in a philosophical way. His sarcastic view of the world, which was rarely pleasant for the counterpart still induced admiration of many audiences and was satisfying for Karl Valentin’s egocentrism. He has been the most famous Bavarian comedian during world war II and during the early days of the Republic of Germany.

Karl Valentin war einer der größten bayerischen Volkssänger und Komiker zur Zeit der vorletzten Jahrhundertwende. Sein Verhältnis zu Krankheit und Medizin bestimmen das Leben und Schaffen dieses Ausnahmekünstlers. Dieser Artikel anlässlich seines 70. Todestages zeigt, wie Valentins körperliche und psychische Nöte Eingang in seine Stücke finden.

* Zitat: ©Valentin Erben c/o RA Fette.