Planta Med 2006; 72(6): 570-571
DOI: 10.1055/s-2005-916257
© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York

The Sequences of the Spacer Region between the atpF and atpA Genes in the Plastid Genome Allows Discrimination among Three Varieties of Medicinal Angelica

Keizo Hosokawa1 , Atsuyuki Hishida2 , Ikuo Nakamura3 , Toshiro Shibata4
  • 1Department of Nutritional Management, Faculty of Health Sciences, Hyogo University, Kakogawa, Hyogo, Japan
  • 2Tsukuba Medicinal Plant Research Station, National Institute of Health Sciences, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan
  • 3Graduate School of Science and Technology, Chiba University, Matsudo, Chiba, Japan
  • 4Hokkaido Experimental Station for Medicinal Plants, National Institute of Health Sciences, Nayoro, Hokkaido, Japan
Further Information

Publication History

Received: March 17, 2005

Accepted: November 17, 2005

Publication Date:
10 February 2006 (online)


The dried roots of Angelica acutiloba Kitagawa var. acutiloba Kitagawa, A. acutiloba Kitagawa var. iwatensis Hikino and A. acutiloba Kitagawa var. sugiyamae Hikino have been used as the herbal medicine known in Japan as Japanese Angelica Root. The respective morphological features of, in particular, A. acutiloba var. sugiyamae and A. acutiloba var. iwatensis are similar, and they are not easy to distinguish morphologically from each other. In an attempt to find a method for discriminating among these three varieties, we compared the nucleotide sequence of the spacer region between the atpF and atpA genes among the respective plastid genomes. Comparison of these sequences allowed us to identify each of the three varieties unequivocally.


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  • 3 Nakamura I, Yagi F, Kameya N, Oku T, Mii M. Studies on the phylogenic relationship of chocolate cosmos (Cosmos atrosanguineus).  Breed Sci. 2000;  50 (Suppl 2) 232
  • 4 Takahashi H, Oku T, Yagi F, Mii M, Nakamura I. Intergeneric hybrid production between chocolate and yellow cosmos. The 5th IVCHB Symposium Debrecen, Hungary; 2004; 20b
  • 5 Edwards K, Johnstone C, Thompson C. A simple and rapid method for the preparation of plant genomic DNA for PCR analysis.  Nucleic Acids Res. 1991;  19 1349
  • 6 Hosokawa K, Minami M, Kawahara K, Nakamura I, Shibata T. Discrimination among three species of medicinal Scutellaria plants using RAPD markers.  Planta Med. 2000;  66 270-2

Keizo Hosokawa

Department of Nutritional Management

Faculty of Health Sciences

Hyogo University


Hyogo 675-0195


Phone: +81-794-27-9993

Fax: +81-794-27-5112
