Plant Biol (Stuttg) 2000; 2(2): 136-148
DOI: 10.1055/s-2000-9159
Review Article
Georg Thieme Verlag Stuttgart ·New York

Somatic Embryogenesis in Leguminous Plants

P. Lakshmanan 1 , A. Taji 2
  • 1 David North Plant Research Centre, BSES, Brisbane, Australia
  • 2 Agronomy and Soil Science, School of Rural Science and Natural Resources, University of New England, Armidale, Australia
Further Information

Publication History

August 31, 1999

December 3, 1999

Publication Date:
31 December 2000 (online)


This review examines recent advances in the induction and development of somatic embryos in leguminous plants. Emphasis has been given to identify the current trends and successful strategies for the establishment of somatic embryogenic systems, particularly in the economically important species. It appears that, in legumes, somatic embryogenesis can be realized relatively easily especially in young meristematic tissues such as immature embryos and developing leaves. In the majority of the species examined, chlorophenoxyacetic acids remained the most active inductive compounds; however, the new generation growth regulators such as thidiazuron are emerging as successful alternatives for high-frequency direct regeneration of somatic embryos, even from well differentiated explant tissues. Low-frequency embryo production, poor germination and conversion of somatic embryos into plantlets and somaclonal variation are the major impediments limiting the utility of somatic embryogenesis for biotechnological applications in legumes. These limitations, however, may be considerably reduced in the near future, as more newly developed growth regulators with specific morphogenic targets become available for experimentation. From the published data, it is apparent that more effort should be given to develop repetitive embryogenic systems with high frequency of germination and regeneration, since such systems will find immediate application in mass propagation and other crop improvement programmes. As our understanding of various morphogenic processes, including growth and differentiation of zygotic embryos, is fast expanding, it is conceivable that development of highly efficient somatic embryogenic systems with practical application can be anticipated, at least for the important leguminous crops, in the foreseeable future.


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P. Lakshmanan

David North Plant Research Centre BSES

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