Homœopathic Links 2010; 23(3): 149-150
DOI: 10.1055/s-0030-1250197

© Sonntag Verlag in MVS Medizinverlage Stuttgart GmbH & Co. KG

The Problem with Homeopathic Overdosing

Terje Wulfsberg & Bjarte Hauge Norway
Further Information

Publication History

Publication Date:
19 October 2010 (online)


Is homeopathic overdosing a real phenomenon? If yes, what are the main effects? The issue is explored in the homeopathic literature and hypersensitivity in patients discussed. An outline of a method for antidoting the bad effects of overdosing is presented with two case examples.


  • 1 Vithoulkas G. The Science of Homeopathy, A Modern Text Book, Vol. 1. Chapter 18: Complicated cases. Athens; A. S. O. H. M. 1978: 348
  • 2 Vithoulkas G. The Science of Homeopathy, A Modern Text Book, Vol. 1. Chapter 18: Complicated cases. Athens; A. S. O. H. M. 1978: 351
  • 3 Kent J T. Lectures on Homoeopathic Philosophy. 2nd ed. Lecture XVI, Oversensitive Patients. Calcutta; R. Sinha Roy 1975: 115
  • 4 Davatz Z. Open drug database (1 Sept. 2005). http://www.ch.oddb.org (date of access 10 Jan. 2010)

Terje Wulfsberg

Lodin Leppsgt. 2B

5003 Bergen


Email: terje.wulfsberg@gmail.com

Bjarte Hauge

Steinavegen 8

6800 Førde


Email: bjarte.hauge@gmail.com