DOI: 10.1055/s-00000161

The Journal of Knee Surgery

Issue 12 · Volume 37 · October 2024 DOI: 10.1055/s-014-60282

Original Article

Weintraub, Matthew T.; Kurina, Steven J.; Cline, Joseph T.; Forlenza, Enrico M.; Berger, Richard A.; Gerlinger, Tad L.: Late Manipulation under Anesthesia after Total Knee Arthroplasty: Improved Range of Motion and a Low Complication Rate
Putnis, Sven E.; Klasan, Antonio; Bott, Brendan; Ridley, William; Hudson, Bernard; Coolican, Myles R.J.: The Microbiology of Knee Prosthetic Joint Infection and its Influence on Persistent Infection
Giordano, Joshua R.; Bartlett, Lucas; Huyke, Fernando; Sadh, Puru; Thompson, Kiara; Ajah, Obinnah; Danoff, Jonathan: Is Immediate Postoperative Radiograph Necessary Following Robotic-Assisted Total Knee Arthroplasty?
Kawanishi, Yusuke; Kobayashi, Makoto; Yasuma, Sanshiro; Fukushima, Hiroaki; Kato, Jiro; Murase, Atsunori; Takenaga, Tetsuya; Yoshida, Masahito; Kuroyanagi, Gen; Kawaguchi, Yohei; Murakami, Hideki; Nozaki, Masahiro: Factors Associated with Return to Sport After Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction: A Focus on Athletes Who Desire Preinjury Level of Sport