DOI : 10.1055/s-00000058

Planta Medica

Issue 14 · Volume 89 · November 2023 DOI: 10.1055/s-013-58620

71st International Congress and Annual Meeting of the Society for Medicinal Plant and Natural Product Research (GA)
Trinity College Dublin Ireland, 02.–05.07.2023

Prof. Helen Sheridan/Dr Gaia Scalabrino

Spiegler, Verena; Jato, Jonathan; Belga, François Ngnodandi; Greiffer, Luise; Raulf, Marie-Kristin; Waindok, Patrick; Orman, Emmanuel; Herrmann, Fabian; Agyare, Christian; Ndjonka, Dieudonné; Liebau, Eva; Strube, Christina; Bekoe, Emelia Oppong; Hensel, Andreas: Short Lecture "Anthelmintic activities of the West African medicinal plants Combretum mucronatum and Phyllanthus urinaria against free-living and parasitic nematodes"
Ingalalli, Vijay; Yuan, Jui-Hung; Khederlarian, Lila; Chandra, Sona; Bender, Andreas: Short Lecture "Ontology based ethnobotany data management to support natural product-based drug discovery"
Menoud, Valérie; Holinger, Mirjam; Graf-Schiller, Sandra; Mayer, Philipp; Gerber, Luc; Walkenhorst, Michael; Hirsbrunner, Gaby: Short Lecture “Clinical cure rates of endometritis in dairy cows after intrauterine application of an antibiotic or an herbal veterinary medicinal product”