DOI : 10.1055/s-00000070

Seminars in Musculoskeletal Radiology

Issue S 01 · Volume 27 · June 2023 DOI: 10.1055/s-013-57590

30th Annual Scientific Meeting of the European Society of Musculoskeletal Radiology (ESSR)
Bilbao, Spain, 22.–24.06.2023

De Maeseneer, Michel Octave; Sellami, Badr; Van Royen, Kjell; Anthonissen, Dr. Lyne; De Smet, Dr. Aron; Keelson, Dr. Benjameen: Wrist Instability After Sectioning the Different Components of the Scapholunate Ligament and Dorsal Scapholunate Septum Using a Cadaveric Model
D'Agostino, Dr. Valerio; Martella, Dr. Claudia; Miceli, Dr. Marco; Ponti, Dr. Federico; Sambri, Andrea; Bianchi, Dr. Giuseppe; Crombé, Dr. Amandine; Spinnato, Dr. Paolo: Assessment of Dimensions on Baseline Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Soft Tissue Sarcomas: Best Method to Estimate Tumor Size and Improve Prognosis
Gassert, Dr. Florian; Gassert, Dr. Felix; Hofmann, Dr. Felix; Lenhart, Dr. Nicolas; Feuerriegel, Dr. Georg; Neumann, Dr. Jan; Lenze, Dr. Ulrich; Knebel, Dr. Carolin; Woertler, Klaus: Diagnostic Delay in Patients with Osteoid Osteoma
Lambeaux, Dr. Constance; Lapègue, Dr. Franck; Fayolle, Hélio; Degboé, Yannick; Chiavassa-Gandois, Dr. Hélène; Basselerie, Dr. Hubert; Goumarre, Dr. Céline; Bilger, Romain; Sans, Dr. Nicolas; Faruch-Bilfeld, Dr. Marie: Lumbar Muscle Involvement in the Occurrence of Osteoporotic Vertebral Fracture
Capelastegui, Dr. Ana; Oca, Dr. Roque; Iglesias, Dr. Gotzon; Larena, Dr. Jose Alejandro; Laso, Dr. Cristina; Aguirre, Dr. Urko: Value of Magnetic Resonance Imaging for Detection and Characterization of Acute Fractures of the Chest Wall after a Work-Related Accident
Botchu, Dr. Rajesh; Ariyaratne, Dr. Sisith; Whittaker, Patrick; Mehta, Dr. Jwalant; Azzopardi, Dr. Christine; Iyengar, Dr. Karthikeyan; Bendi, Dr. Srinivasa Rao: Sagittal Pars Angle as a Predictor of the Likelihood of Developing Lumbar Vertebral Pars Defects
van Leeuwen, Dr. Flora; van Klei, Janoah; Lena, Dr. Beatrice; van Bergen, Eline; Timmer, Merel; van Vulpen, Lize; Fischer, Dr. Kathelijn; de Jong, Dr. Pim; Bos, Dr. Clemens; Foppen, Dr. Wouter: Evaluation of Joint Effusions in Patients with Hemophilia Using T2 Mapping at 3-T Magnetic Resonance Imaging Is Feasible and Reproducible
Paternain, Dr. Alberto; Mendoza, Dr. Francisco Javier; Urtasun, Dr. César; Elorz, Mariana; Barrio, Miguel; Aquerreta, Jesús Dámaso: Evaluating Treatment Response in Multiple Myeloma Patients with Quantitative Analysis of Whole-Body Diffusion-weighted Imaging-Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Banitalebi, Dr. Hasan; Hemansen, Dr. Erland; Hellum, Dr. Christian; Storheim, Kjersti; Espeland, Dr. Ansgar; Indrekvam, Dr. Kari; Myklebust, Dr. Tor; Anvar, Dr. Masoud; Aaen, Dr. Jørn; Negård, Dr. Anne: Fatty Infiltration of the Paraspinal Muscles Is Associated with Postoperative Leg Pain in Lumbar Spinal Stenosis
Sztuk, Dr. Nicole; Tang, Dr. Joseph; Ross, Andrew; Blankenbaker, Dr. Donna: Popliteal Cyst Aspiration and Injection: Does Location of the Corticosteroid Injection Matter?
Maccio, Dr. Marta; Picasso, Dr. Riccardo; Zaottini, Dr. Federico; Pistoia, Dr. Federico; Rossi, Gabriele; Pansecchi, Dr. Michelle; Sanguinetti, Dr. Sara; Marcenaro, Dr. Giovanni; Rinaldi, Dr. Simone; Martinoli, Prof. Carlo: High-resolution Ultrasonography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Ulnar Nerve Neuropathy Beyond the Guyon Tunnel: Examination
Bianco, Dr. Deborah; Zaottini, Dr. Federico; Picasso, Dr. Riccardo; Pistoia, Dr. Federico; Tovt, Luca; Pansecchi, Dr. Michelle; Rinaldi, Dr. Simone; Macciò, Dr. Marta; Rossi, Gabriele; Martinoli, Prof. Carlo: Role of High-Resolution Ultrasonography in Migraine
Viglino, Dr. Umberto; Messina, Dr. Carmelo; Gitto, Dr. Salvatore; Serpi, Dr. Francesca; Chianca, Dr. Vito; Sconfienza, Prof. Dr. Luca Maria; Albano, Dr. Domenico: Bone Biopsies Guided by Augmented Reality: A Prospective Controlled Nonrandomized Study
Balasubramanian, Dr. Sarankumar; Goyal, Dr. Ankur; Gamanagatti, Dr. Shivanand; Sharma, Raju; Manhas, Dr. Vikrant; Kumar, Dr. Vijay: Sonographic Assessment of Effectiveness of Ultrasonography-guided Interventions for Soft Tissue Pain in Foot and Ankle
Jimenez, Dr. Alba Anton; Aznar, Dr. Anna Marin; Morales, Dr. Lara Berrocal; Cheranovskiy, Dr. Vladimir; Cerdan, Dr. Sonia Carbo; Halpern, Dr. Vicente Araya: Long-term Effectiveness of Computed Tomography-guided Rupture of Symptomatic Lumbar Facet Synovial Cysts
Donalisio, Dr. Massimo; Margain, Dr. Paul; Mourad, Dr. Charbel; Zenkhri, Dr. Salim; Favre, Dr. Julien; Omoumi, Patrick: Relationships between Knee Cartilage Thickness and Subchondral Bone Mineral Density in Young and Healthy Subjects
Song, Dr. Chorog; Kim, Dr. Hyun Su; Lee, Dr. Ji Hyun; Yoon, Young Cheol: Differentiation of Spinal Myxopapillary Ependymoma and Schwannoma Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Foreman, Dr. Sarah C.; Llorian-Salvador, Dr. Oscar; David, Dr. Diana E.; Rösner, Verena K.; Feuerriegel, Dr. Georg C.; Jung, Dr. Matthias; Makowski, Dr. Marcus R.; Woertler, Dr. Klaus; Peeken, Dr. Jan C.; Gersing, Dr. Alexandra S.: Development and Evaluation of Radiogenomic Models Based on Magnetic Resonance Imaging to Differentiate Atypical Lipomatous Tumors from Lipomas
Zenkhri, Dr. Salim; Margain, Dr. Paul; Favre, Dr. Julien; Omoumi, Patrick; Mourad, Dr. Charbel: Meniscal Extrusion in Asymptomatic Knees: The 3-mm Cutoff Must Be Revisited
Lejoly, Dr. Maryse; Berghe, Dr. Thomas Van Den; Creytens, Dr. David; Lapeire, Dr. Lore; Huysse, Dr. Wouter; Verstraete, Prof. Dr. Koenraad: Follow-up of Giant Cell Tumors of Bone with Computed Tomography and Dynamic Contrast-enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging during Denosumab Treatment
Maccio, Dr. Marta; Riccardo, Dr. Picasso; Zaottini, Dr. Federico; Pistoia, Dr. Federico; Rossi, Gabriele; Beronio, Dr. Alessandro; Bovis, Dr. Franesca; Hamedani, Dr. Mehrnaz; Schenone, Angelo; Martinoli, Prof. Carlo: Recurrent Motor Branch Neuropathy in Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: An Ultrasonography Study
Berghe, Dr. Thomas Van Den; Babin, Dr. Danilo; Chen, Dr. Min; Callens, Dr. Martijn; Brack, Dr. Denim; Morbée, Dr. Lieve; Herregods, Prof. Dr. Nele; Huysse, Dr. Wouter; Jaremko, Dr. Jacob L.; Jans, Prof. Dr. Lennart: Deep Learning for Detection of Structural Sacroiliac Joint Lesions on Pelvic Computed Tomography: Multicenter Development and Validation
Berghe, Dr. Thomas Van Den; Candries, Dr. Esther; Everaert, Dr. Nicolas; Lejoly, Dr. Maryse; Van Dorpe, Jo; Dendooven, Dr. Amélie; Verstraete, Prof. Dr. Koenraad L.: Diffusion-Weighted Imaging and Dynamic Contrast-enhanced-Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Spinal Bone Marrow in Healthy Individuals and the Influence of Age, Sex, Weight, and Smoking
de Carvalho, Dr. Adriano Novais; Gasperini, Dr. Chiara; D'Agostino, Dr. Valerio; Gazzotti, Dr. Silvia; Gomez, Maria Pilar Aparisi; Bazzocchi, Alberto: Role of Magnetic Resonance Thermometry in Magnetic Resonance Image-guided Focused UltrasonographyTreatment: Advantages and Pitfalls