DOI : 10.1055/s-00000034

Klinische Pädiatrie

Issue 03 · Volume 235 · May 2023 DOI: 10.1055/s-013-57502

34. Jahrestagung der Kind-Philipp-Stiftung für pädiatrisch onkologische Forschung
Wilsede, 31.05 – 03.06.2023

Wissenschaftliche Leitung:
Prof. Dr. Jan-Henning Klusmann, Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt (Main)
Prof. Dr. Martin Stanulla, Medizinische Hochschule Hannover
Prof. Dr. Rolf Marschalek, Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt(Main)
Prof. Dr. Olaf Heidenreich, Prinses Máxima Centrum voor
Kinderoncologie, Utrecht, Niederlande

Barneh, F; Meulendijks, T; Wijnen, N; Koedijk, J; Ashtiani, M; Krippner-Heidenreich, A; Dunnebach, E; Nierkens, S; Kaspers, G; Heidenreich, O: CD19-Targeted immunotherapies for Treatment of Pediatric t(8;21) Leukemia
Barrett, A; Shi, J-Y; Howell, L; Sbirkov, Y; Brown, G; Zelent, A; Petrie, K: Expression of retinoic acid receptor gamma is modulated by miR-30a
de Barrios, O; Gusi-Vives, M; Collazo, O; Meler, A; Romecin, P A; Marschalek, R; Bueno, C; Stam, R W; Menéndez, P; Parra, M: A novel combinatorial therapy improves the outcome of t(4;11) infant pro-B-ALL through the precise induction of HDAC7 biomarker
Cinar, B; von Pappenheim, F R; Schreek, S; Khalida Ibrahim, N; Loxha, L; Niessen, J; Stasche, A S; Stanulla, M; Tittmann, K; Hinze, L: Exopolyphosphatase Activity of PRUNE Regulates Adaptive Starvation Responses in Cancer Cells
Cross, J; Smith, A L; Jackson, T R; Harman, J R; Ling, R E; Crump, N; Elliott, N E; Wu, Q Q; Milne, T A; Roy, A: PROM1/CD133 expression identifies highly proliferative MLL-AF4+ blasts and correlates with a stem-like gene signature
Derevyanko, P K; van der Wilt, C N; Swart, L E; Nelson, R N; Krippner-Heidenreich, A; Blair, H J; Heidenreich, O: Single cell RNAseq uncovering the role of RUNX1/ETO in the leukemic niche signaling
Difilippo, V; Saba, K H; Wallander, K; Nathrath, M; Baumhoer, D; Haglund de Flon, F; Nord, K H: SarcDBase: a tool for detection of genetic alterations in sarcoma
Falgàs, A; Zanetti, S R; Martínez-Moreno, A; Panisello, C; Romecin, P A; Díez Alonso, L; Álvarez Vallina, L; Bueno, C; Menéndez, P: Blocking TIM3:Galectin-9 pathway enhances in vivo CAR19T cell function
Fortner, C; Niedermayer, A; Debatin, K M; Meyer, L H; Seyfried, F: Characterizing the role of BCL-2 family members as targets for anti-cancer therapy in T-ALL
Gade, C; Imle, R; ElHarouni, D; Oehme, I; Banito, A; Pajtler, K W: Radiosensitivity in pediatric solid tumors
Gierschek, F; Albinger, N; Wendel, P; Born, A; Bhayadia, R; Klusmann, J H; Ullrich, E: Comparison of CD28- and 4-1BB-based CLEC12A-CAR-natural killer cells against acute myleoid leukemia
Goncalves-Dias, JM; Heckl, D; Bhayadia, R; Klusmann, J H: Decoding Epigenetic Landscape in Pediatric Leukemia through Multi-Omics Integration
Guerrero-Murillo, M; Rill-Hinarejos, A; Trincado, J L; Bataller, A; Mereu, E; Bueno, C; Menéndez, P: Single cell multiomic analysis of clonal and transcriptional programs of CD19 CAR T cells in the immunotherapy response
Narayanared dy, CG; Pesic, M; Pfau, M; Kovacsovics, A; Yaspo, M L; Eckert, C: The transcriptional landscape and the immune microenvironment of the testicular niche in pediatric ALL
Heim, C; Hartig, L; Weinelt, N; Moser, L M; Salzmann-Manrique, E; Wels, W S; van Wijk, SJ L; Meister, M T; Klusmann, J H; Rettinger, E: Enhancing TRAIL-mediated killing of ErbB2-CAR-NK-92 (NK-92/5.28.z) with bortezomib
Issa, H; Bhayadia, R; Winkler, R; Swart, L E; Heckl, D; Klusmann, J H: Restoration of miRNA-193b-3p function is a potent therapeutic option in acute myeloid leukemias
Koedijk, J B; van der Werf, I; Vermeulen, M A; Perzolli, A; Fiocco, M; de Groot-Kruseman, H A; Nierkens, S; Belderbos, M E; Zwaan, C M; Heidenreich, O: Spatial analysis reveals distinct immune phenotypes and tertiary lymphoid structure-like aggregates in pediatric AML
Lichá, K; Ghanam, J; Chetty, V K; Reetz, L; Barthel, L; Reinhardt, D; Thakur, B K: Medulloblastoma EVs influence TGF-beta/SMAD1 signaling in mesenchymal stem cell
Loxha, L; Ibrahim, NK; Stasche, A S; Schreek, S; Cinar, B; Fehlhaber, B; Niessen, J; Stanulla, M; Hinze, L: Wnt/STOP activation drives temporally dynamic ribosomal biogenesis in drug resistant leukemia cells
Lühmann, J L; Hofmann, W; Bergmann, A K; Möricke, A; Cario, G; Schrappe, M; Schlegelberger, B; Zimmermann, M; Stanulla, M; Steinemann, D: IKZF1plusplus? Investigating the genetic complexity of IKZF1 deleted B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia
Moser, L M; Heim, C; Merker, M; Vogler, M; Bönig, H B; Ullrich, E; Klusmann, J H; Bader, P; Wels, W S; Rettinger, E: Choosing the right effector cell for ErbB2-CAR-engineered immunotherapy in rhabdomyosarcoma – CAR-T vs CAR-CIK
Muench, V; Koehler, R; Rasche, V; Debatin, K M; Meyer, L H: Early subclinical CNS manifestation in B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia modelled in vivo
Panisello, C; Bueno, C; Castilla, C; Aschero, R; Carcaboso, A M; de Álava, E; Menéndez, P: An innovative tailored CAR T cell-redirecting immunotherapy for the treatment of metastatic and refractory Ewing Sarcoma
Rasouli, M; Mohnani, R; Ashtiani, M; Krippner-Heidenreich, A; Zwaan, C M; Heidenreich, O: Menin Inhibition In Hox/Meis1 Dysregulated Amls
Reindl, L M; Jalili, L; Rothweiler, F; Cinatl, J; Michaelis, M; Wels, W S; Ullrich, E: NK cell immunotherapy against chemotherapy-resistant rhabdomyosarcoma
Rotari, A; Failli, M; Cairo, S; di Bernardo, D; Kappler, R: Understanding Nfe2l2/Keap1-Mediated Drug Resistance In Hepatoblastoma
Rubio-Gayarre, A; Vinyoles, M; Caracuel-Peramos, R; Fernández-Fuentes, N; Robles-Valero, J; Stam, R W; Bardini, M; Menéndez, P; Bueno, C; Lopez-Millan, B: NG2 and VLA-4 are involved in the invasion and migration of MLLr B-cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
Saba, K H; Cornmark, L; Magnusson, L; Nilsson, J; van den Bos, H; DJC, Spierings; Bidgoli, M; Jonson, T; Sumathi, V P; Brosjö, O; Staaf, J; Foijer, F; Styring, E; Nathrath, M; Baumhoer, D; Nord, K H: TP53 separation-of-function mutations through promoter swapping in osteosarcoma
Hidajat, J S; Heckl, D; Schmell, A L; Bhayadia, R; Klusmann, J H: Targeting the fetal transcriptional landscape of pediatric AML
Schmell, AL; Meier, K; Alejo, O; Heckl, D; Bhayadia, R; Klusmann, J H: Identifying Gene Targets for Drug repurposing to prevent Cancer in children with a premalignant state
Schröder, C F; Antić, Ž; zur Stadt, U; Tang, M; Zimmermann, M; Eckert, C; Fedders, B; Stanulla, M; Cario, G; Bergmann, A K: Comprehensive molecular and clinical characterization of DUX4-rearranged B-acute lymphoblastic leukemia
Schüler, L; Winkler, R; Cetin, R; Kaulich, M; Heckl, D; Bhayadia, R; Klusmann, J H: Targeting the non-coding ands stem cell signature in childhood acute myeloid leukemia
Schuschel, K; Goncalves-Dias, J M; Vermunt, M W; Klusmann, J H: Identification of novel fusion transcripts in Acute Myeloid Leukemia
Simon, N; Maaß, K K; Fischer, T T; Puranachot, P; Giraud, G; Fritzberg, A; Öber, A; Brors, B; Pfister, S M; Pajtler, K W: Minimal invasive detection of circulating biomarkers in pediatric brain tumor patients using liquid biopsy
Smirnova, A; Grigoryeva, T; Komkov, A; Lebedev, Y; Mora, T; Walczak, A; Mamedov, I; Chudakov, D: Application of VDJ recombination events probability for γδ T-cells in MRD monitoring
Tirado, N; Martínez-Moreno, A; Fernández-Fuentes, N; Díaz, V M; Vinyoles, M; Bueno, C; Menéndez, P; Sánchez-Martínez, D: A novel fratricide-resistant CAR-T cell immunotherapy for T-ALL
Tölle, I; Lanvers-Kaminsky, C; Bethke, M; Randau, G; Rolfing, M; Tann, A; te Vrugt, M; Mellgren, K; Müller, S; Burkhardt, B: Rituximab clearance in pediatric patients with mature aggressive B-cell Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
Tröster, S; Terlecki-Zaniewicz, S; Fernandez-Pernas, P; Eder, T; Humer, T; Schmöllerl, J; Manhart, G; Zuber, J; Tomazou, E; Grebien, F: Oncogenic mechanisms of fusion proteins in pediatric acute myeloid leukemia
Uckelmann, H J; Haarer, E L; Takeda, R; Hatton, C; Chen, C W; Armstrong, S A: Exploring the novel function of mutant NPM1 on chromatin
te Vrugt, M; Bartels, A; Feldmeyer, L; Hollfoth, V; Tölle, I; Randau, G; Michgehl, U; Hotfilder, M; Lanvers-Kaminsky, C; Burkhardt, B: Functional Characterization of potential diagnostic targets in Burkitt-NHL
Wang, J; Rajak, J; Koleci, N; Xiao, H; Wehner, N A; Orth, J F; Niemeyer, C M; Bohler, S; Erlacher, M: Inhibition of the ”don’t eat me signal” CD47 to prevent relapse in juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia
Wantzen, C; Yigit, B; Suo, Y; Meisel, R; Zhang, S; Weiss, J M; Fernandez-Orth, J; Erlacher, M: Identification of Functional Defects Leading to Bone Marrow Failure in GATA2 Deficiency
Wehner, NA; Koleci, N; Rajak, J; Wang, J; Xiao, H; Erlacher, M: Identification of cell-extrinsic pro-survival factors in JMML
Wendel, P; Hauck, J K; Zinser, L; Michael, J; Habermann, J; Hartmann, J; Ullrich, E: Comparison of armored NK cells equipped with soluble and membrane-bound IL-15 variants for improved functionality
Wulffen, H-D v; Bohler, S; Brummer, T; Pierre-Emmanuel Gleizes, P-E; Puzik, A; Niemeyer, CM; Erlacher, M: Association and interactions of the RIO kinases in the context of Diamond-Blackfan anemia
Xiao, H; Koleci, N; Wang, J; Rajak, J; Wehner, N A; Bohler, S; Orth, J F; Kern, U; Niemeyer, C M; Erlacher, M: Investigating and modulating leukemia initiating cells to reduce risk of post-transplant relapse in JMML
Ximeno-Parpal, P; Vinyoles, M; Fernández-Fuentes, N; Martínez-Moreno, A; Łuczak, W; Schmid, J P; Jeremias, I; Menéndez, P; Velasco-Hernández, T: Acute Myeloid Leukemia initiating cells: identification of new therapeutic targets to avoid relapse