DOI : 10.1055/s-00000034

Klinische Pädiatrie

Issue 03 · Volume 234 · May 2022 DOI: 10.1055/s-012-53551

34. Jahrestagung der Kind-Philipp-Stiftung für pädiatrisch onkologische Forschung
Wilsede, 01.–04.06.2022

Prof. Dr. Jan-Henning Klusmann, Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt (Main)
Prof. Dr. Martin Stanulla, Medizinische Hochschule Hannover
Prof. Dr. Rolf Marschalek, Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt (Main)
Prof. Dr. Olaf Heidenreich, Prinses Máxima Centrum voor Kinderoncologie,Utrecht, Niederlande

Dzajic, E; Alten, J; Zimmermann, M; Möricke, A; Schrappe, M; Cario, G: Prognostic significance of minimal residual disease prior to reinduction in intermediate risk patients with ALL
Külp, M; Larghero, P; Dietz, A; Cario, G; Eckert, C; Caye-Eude, A; Cazzaniga, G; Bönig, H; Meyer, C; Marschalek, R: The immune checkpoint ICOSLG is a relapse-predicting biomarker and therapeutic target in infant t(4;11) ALL
Lopes, B; Meyer, C; Maciel, AL; Barbosa, T; Venn, NC; Sutton, R; Fazio, G; Cazzaniga, G; Marschalek, R; Emerenciano, M: Unravelling the recombinome of IKZF1 deletions in B-ALL
Baatz, F; Herbst, J; Schambach, A; Hust, M; Mätzig, T; Meyer, J; Sauer, MG: CRISPR/Cas9-based generation of CAR-expressing natural killer-like cells against acute myeloid leukemia
Mayar, A; Ibuli, O; Bultmann, M; Winterberg, D; Jeremias, I; Dietterle, A; Münch, G; Bastian, L; Schewe, D M; Lenk, L: A meningeal preleukemic niche promotes the homing of B-cell Precursor Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia cells to the CNS
Lühmann, JL; Kater, J; Wendeburg, L; Möricke, A; Cario, G; Schrappe, M; Schlegelberger, B; Stanulla, M; Steinemann, D: IKZF1plus under investigation: Optical Genome Mapping to detect additional alterations
Virely, C; Armenteros-Monterroso, E; Gasparoli, L; Martens, JHA; Mansour, MR; Williams, O: Establishing the mechanism for RUVBL2 essentiality in acute myeloid leukaemia
Che, N; Cantilena, S; Looi-Somoye, R; de Boer, J; Williams, O: Drug repositioning for MLL-rearranged B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukaemia
Bertrums, EJM; de Kanter, JK; Rosendahl-Huber, AKM; Zwaan, CM; van den Heuvel-Eibrink, MM; Goemans, BF; van Boxtel, R: Mutational impact of chemotherapy on hematopoietic cells and evolution towards therapy-related pediatric AML
Schultheis, L; Stückle, J; Rajab, H; Fuchs, J; Warmann, SW; Schmid, E: Different isolation techniques for isolation of extracellular vesicles
Thampi, N; Bueno, C; Rodríguez-Cortez, V; Martínez, A; Vinyoles, M; Camps, J; Menendez, P; Molina, O: Contribution of aneuploidy to the initiation and progression of childhood B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia
Nofcz, L; Alten, J; Zimmermann, M; Koehler, R; Möricke, A; Schrappe, M; Cario, G: Prognostic relevance of persisting minimal residual disease in children with ALL and slow early response to chemotherapy
Velasco-Hernandez, T; Trincado, JL; Vinyoles, M; Closa, A; Molina, O; Velten, L; Bueno, C; Eyras, E; Heyn, H; Menendez, P: A single-cell expression atlas of human AML-LScs unravels the contribution of HIF pathway and its therapeutic potential
Eiblwieser, J; Krumbholz, M; Semper, S; Frey, B; Nagel, L; Bäuerle, T; Metzler, M: CtDNA release mechanisms in a therapeutic Ewing Sarcoma mouse model
Häselbarth, L; Saul, D; Krumbholz, M; Mougiakaos, D; Metzler, M; Karow, A: Targeting metabolism effectively complements tyrosine kinase inhibitor treatment of chronic myeloid leukemia
Klimiankou, M; Kandabarau, S; Zeidler, C; Pogozhykh, D; Hettich-Woggon, I; Hähnel, K; Welte, K; Skokowa, J: Clonal Hematopoiesis in Patients with Severe Congenital Neutropenia
Tirado, N; Trincado, JL; Bataller, A; Petazzi, P; Bueno, C; Sánchez-Martínez, D; Menendez, P: A new T cell-redirecting strategy for the treatment of relapse/refractory T cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia
Panisello, C; Bueno, C; Amaral, AT; Carcaboso, A; Mde Álava, E; Menendez, P: An innovative tailored CAR-T cell-redirecting immunotherapy for the treatment of metastatic and refractory Ewing Sarcoma
Zeidler, A; Dannenmann, B; Klimiankou, M; Zeidler, C; Skokowa, J; Welte, K: New Insights into the pathophysiology of cyclic neutropenia
Rodemann, M; Dreschmann, V; Dörner, E; von Schweinitz, D; Vokuhl, C; Pietsch, T: Identification of RBMS1 in the amplified region 2q24 as a major driver of cellular growth in childhood hepatoblastoma
Tuk, D; Nelson, R; Heidenreich, O; Krippner-Heidenreich, A: Efficient Expansion of Immature Acute Myeloid Leukaemia Cells in an Ex Vivo Co-culture System
Borbarán-Bravo, N; Deordieva, E; Bräuning, S; Dannenmann, B; Doll, L; ElGamacy, M; Zeidler, C; Bajoghly, B; Maschan, A; Shcherbina, A; Welte, K; Skokowa, J; Klimiankou, M: A new inherited syndrome with severe neutropenia and neurological involvement due to autosomal recessive COPZ1 mutation
Schneider, C; Spaink, H; Alexe, G; Dharia, NV; Khalid, D; Scheich, S; Haeupl, B; Oellerich, T; Stegmaier, K: Breaking the pump: targeting the sodium-potassium pump as a therapeutic strategy in acute myeloid leukemia
Cameron, R; Swart, L; Rasouli, M; Heidenreich, O: Targeting the unique barcode of MLL/AF4
Aghaallaei, N; Doll, L; Skokowa, J; Walte, K; Bajoghli, B: Modelling congenital neutropenia, a pre-leukemic bone marrow failure syndrome in zebrafish
Albinger, N; Pfeifer, R; Kreyenberg, H; Schubert, R; Schneider, D; Kühn, MWM; Penack, O; Zhang, C; Möker, N; Ullrich, E: Primary CD33-targeting CAR-NK cells for the treatment of acute myeloid leukemia
Verboon, L; Issa, H; Bräuer-Hartmann, D; Regenyi, E; Heckl, D; Klusmann, J-H: Upstream regulation of DLK1-DIO3 locus in hematopoiesis and pediatric leukemia
Swart, L; van Oort, A; Ashtiani, M; Krippner-Heidenreich, A; Kooijmans, S; Tuk, D; Koekman, A; Seinen, C; Issa, H; Blair, H; Schiffelers, R; Heidenreich, O: Silencing the leukaemic fusion gene RUNX1/ETO by siRNA-loaded lipid nanoparticles restores myeloid differentiation
Li, Q; Demir, S; Bao, X; Wagner, A; Fan, Y; Cairo, S; Kappler, R: Mebendazole inhibits growth of hepatoblastoma cells by cell cycle arrest
Yigit, BI; Fernandez-Orth, J; Weiss, JM; Molnar, C; Andrieux, G; Gonzalez-Mendez, I; Börries, M; Niemeyer, CM; Teichert-von Lüttichau, I; Erlacher, M: Identification of functional defects promoting leukemogenesis in GATA2-deficient individuals
Hagenbourger, F; Fernandez-Orth, J; Bohler, S; Weiss, JM; Andrieux, G; Börries, M; Niemeyer, CM; Erlacher, M: Characterization of cooperating mechanisms in GATA2 syndrome
Schmid, JP; Bahrami, E; Becker, M; Jayavelu, AK; Wirth, AK; Jurinovic, V; Öllinger, R; Vick, B; Herold, T; Jeremias, I: ADAM10’s sheddase function augments the interaction of leukemia cells with the bone marrow niche in PDX models in vivo
Hunt, K; Amend, D; Ludwig, R; Vick, B; Wirth, AK; Herold, T; Jeremias, I: Streamlining preclinical in vivo treatment trials by multiplexing genetically labelled PDX models in a single mouse
Schmell, A-L; Meier, K; Alejo, O; Bhayadia, R; Heckl, D; Klusmann, J-H: Identifying gene targets for drug repurposing to preventing myeloid malignancies
Autenrieb, M-P; Vogiatzi, F; Winterberg, D; Gelehrt, CL; Lenk, L; Baumann, N; Wolf, S; Valerius, T; Peipp, M; Schewe, DM: Modulation of Daratumumab efficacy by Decitabine in pediatric T-cell lymphoblastic leukemia (T-ALL)
Gao, Y; Ghalandary, M; Becker, M; Amend, D; Rothenberg-Thurley, M; Metzeler, K; Jeremias, I: Mutations in KRAS and DNMT3A are not related to dependency in established tumors, in PDX acute leukemia model in vivo
Schroeer, A; Frietsch, AL; Fillies, M; Winkler, A; Egger, A; Henssen, AG; Lehnert, M; Schulte, J; Szymansky, A; Eckert, C: Application of mediator probe PCR chemistry in multiplex target assays for monitoring MRD of high-risk neuroblastoma
ElGamacy, M; Ullrich, T; Maksymenko, K; Lupas, AN; Hernandez, B; Skokowa, J: De novo design of cytokines, antikines, and novokines
Maksymenko, K; Skokowa, J; Lupas, AN; Aghaallaei, N; Müller, P; ElGamacy, M: De novo design of growth factor inhibiting proteins
Wolf, S; Jayavelu, AK; Buettner, F; Schneider, C; Häupl, B; Serve, H; Mann, M; Oellerich, T: The proteogenomic subtypes of acute myeloid leukemia
Suttorp, J; Lühmann, JL; Steinemann, D; Reinhardt, D; von Neuhoff, N; Schneider, M: The extended potential of optical genome mapping (OGM) in pediatric AML compared to classical cytogenetics
Koedijk, JB; Van der Werf, I; Vermeulen, MA; Nierkens, S; Zwaan, M C; Heidenreich, O: Deep learning-based cell segmentation identifies T cell infiltration and spatial distribution in de novo pediatric AML
Cifarelli, LN; Issa, H; Schuschel, K; Menge, K; Gack, L; Klusmann, H J-; Heckl, D: Deciphering the molecular mechanism of NUP98-KDM5A chromosomal translocation in pediatric non-DS-AMKL
Ritter, MU; Nasri, M; Dannenmann, B; Kaufmann, MM; Zeidler, KA; Zeidler, C; Klimiankou, M; Cathomen, T; Welte, K; Skokowa, J: A selection free ex vivo gene therapy approach to congenital neutropenia causing HAX1 mutations
Wendel, P; Palacios, AM; Oberoi, P; Habermann, J; Schoenfeld, K; Gierschek, F; Kolmar, H; Wels, WS; Ullrich, E: Development of idiotype-specific vNAR-CAR-immune cells for the treatment of clonal malignancies
Tauchmann, S; Bagger, FO; Bock, T; Sivalingam, R; Eder, T; Fagnan, A; von Lindern, M; Mercher, T; Grebien, F; Schwaller, J: Functional characterization of aberrant GATA1 protein complexes in normal and leukemic human erythroblasts
Law, E; McKenzie, L; Blair, H; Szoltysek, K; Singh, M; Bomken, S; Lunec, J; Irving, J; Vormoor, J; Heidenreich, O: Ex vivo and in vivo complex drug combination analysis for improved efficacy and specificity in high-risk childhood acute lymphoblastic leukaemia
Troester, S; Schmoellerl, J; Eder, T; Manhart, G; Winter, G; Zuber, J; Grebien, F: Identification of direct target genes of NUP98-KDM5A reveals regulatory gene networks in Acute Myeloid Leukemia
Luque-Martin, R; Coleman, D; Blair, H; Bonifer, C; Heidenreich, O: Understanding the FLT3-ITD maintenance and relapse pathways by RNAi screens
Dannenmann, B; Klimiankou, M; Oswald, B; Solovyeva, A; Mardan, J; Zeidler, C; Welte, K; Skokowa, J: HiPSC disease modelling to study leukemia development in HAX1 vs ELANE associated congenital neutropenia
Ibrahim, NK; Schreek, S; Cinar, B; Loxha, L; Bourquin, J-P; Bornhauser, B; Forster, M; Stanulla, M; Gutierrez, A; Hinze, L: SOD2 Promotes Acute Leukemia Adaptation to Amino Acid Starvation Through the N-Degron Pathway
Reindl, LM; Grèze, V; Wendel, P; Särchen, V; Wels, WS; Vogler, M; Ullrich, E: Improving NK-cell immunotherapy against rhabdomyosarcoma
Heim, C; Moser, LM; Merker, M; Wels, WS; Ivics, Z; Bönig, H; Ullrich, E; Klusmann, J-H; Bader, P; Rettinger, E: ErbB2-CAR mediated immunotherapy for the treatment of high-risk rhabdomyosarcoma
Pontones, M; Höfener, H; Kock, F; Schwen, L; Westphal, M; Dickel, N; Kunz, M; Metzler, M: Comprehensive bone marrow analysis integrating deep learning-based pattern discovery (BMDeep)
Szoltysek, K; Tirtakusuma, R; Ashtiani, M; Nakjang, S; Grinev, V V; Hehir-Kwa, J; Schweighart, EK; Bomken, S; Heidenreich, O: Epigenetic modifiers direct lineage switch in MLL-AF4 leukemia
Bexte, T; Botezatu, L; Miskey, C; Reindl, LM; Campe, J; Mertlitz, S; Gebel, V; Schubert, R; Cremer, A; Rettinger, E; Prommersberger, S; Penack, O; Wels, WS; Hudecek, M; Ivics, Z; Ullrich, E: High antileukemic efficiency of CD19-CAR NK cells engineered with Sleeping Beauty transposon vectors