DOI: 10.1055/s-00035024

Thrombosis and Haemostasis

Ausgabe 10 · Volume 76 · 1996 DOI: 10.1055/s-009-45170

Review Article

Mennen, L I; Schouten, E G; Grobbee, D E; Kluft, C: Coagulation Factor VII, Dietary Fat and Blood Lipids: A Review

Rapid Communication

Mukherjee, Manjari; Dawson, Gloria; Sembhi, Kuldip; Kakkar, Vijay V: Triglyceride Dependence of Factor VII Coagulant Activity in Deep Venous Thrombosis

Original Article

Fiumara, A; Barone, R; Buttitta, P; Musso, R; Pavone, L; Nigro, F; Jaeken, J: Haemostatic Studies in Carbohydrate-deficient Glycoprotein Syndrome Type I
Bernardi, F; Legnani, C; Micheletti, F; Lunghi, B; Ferraresi, P; Palareti, G; Biagi, R; Marchetti, G: A Heparin Cofactor II Mutation (HCII Rimini) Combined with Factor V Leiden or Type I Protein C Deficiency in Two Unrelated Thrombophilic Subjects
Fijnheer, R; Horbach, D A; Donders, R C J M; Vilé, H; Oort, E v; Nieuwenhuis, H K; Gmelig-Meijling, F H J; de Groot, Ph G; Derksen, R H W M: Factor V Leiden, Antiphospholipid Antibodies and Thrombosis in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
Elias, A; Aptel, I; Huc, B; Chale, J J; Nguyen, F; Cambus, J P; Boccalon, H; Boneu, B: D-Dimer Test and Diagnosis of Deep Vein Thrombosis: A Comparative Study of 7 Assays
Fatah, Kamaran; Silveira, Angela; Tornvall, Per; Karpe, Fredrik; Blombäck, Margareta; Hamsten, Anders: Proneness to Formation of Tight and Rigid Fibrin Gel Structures in Men with Myocardial Infarction at a Young Age
Shimodaira, Shigetaka; Ishida, Fumihiro; Ichikawa, Naoaki; Tahara, Tomoyuki; Kato, Takashi; Kodaira, Hiroshi; Ito, Toshiro; Tanaka, Eiji; Sodeyama, Takeshi; Kiyosawa, Kendo; Kitano, Kiyoshi: Serum Thrombopoietin (c-MpI Ligand) Levels in Patients with Liver Cirrhosis
Wuillemin, Walter A; Hack, C Erik; Bleeker, Wim K; Biemond, Bart J; Levi, Marcel; Cate, Hugo ten: Inactivation of Factor XIa in Vivo: Studies in Chimpanzees and in Humans
Weide, Ingo; Tippler, Bettina; Syrovets, Tatjana; Simmet, Thomas: Plasmin Is a Specific Stimulus of the 5-Lipoxygenase Pathway of Human Peripheral Monocytes
Kawata, Yoichi; Mimuro, Jun; Kaneko, Munekiyo; Shimada, Kazuyuki; Sakata, Yoichi: Expression of Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor 2 in the Adult and Embryonic Mouse Tissues
Schneppenheim, Reinhard; Budde, Ulrich; Krey, Sonja; Drewke, Elke; Bergmann, Frauke; Lechler, Eberhard; Oldenburg, Johannes; Schwaab, Rainer: Results of a Screening for von Willebrand Disease Type 2N in Patients with Suspected Haemophilia A or von Willebrand Disease Type 1
Catalioto, Rose-Marie; Cucchi, Paola; Renzetti, Anna Rita; Criscuoli, Marco; Subissi, Alessandro: Human Umbilical Vein Smooth Muscle Cells as a Model to Study Thrombin Generation and Function: Effect of Thrombin Inhibitors
Koyama, Masayuki; Satoh, Kei; Yoshida, Hidemi; Suzuki, Sohei; Koie, Hisaaki; Takamatsu, Shigeru: Surface Coverage of Vascular Grafts with Cultured Human Endothelial Cells from Subcutaneous Fat Tissue Obtained with a Biopsy Needle
Kamikubo, Yu-ichi; Hamuro, Tsutomu; Matsuda, Jun-ichi; Shinya, Noriko; Miyamoto, Seiji; Funatsu, Akinobu; Kato, Hisao: Antithrombotic Effect of Human Recombinant Tissue Factor Pathway Inhibitor on Endotoxin-induced Intravascular Coagulation in Rats: Concerted Effect with Antithrombin

Letters to the Editor

Lucia, D De; Cerbone, A M; Belli, A; Di Mauro, C; Renis, V; Conte, M; Rocino, R; Papa, M L; de Biasi, R: Resistance to Activated Protein C in Adults with a History of Juvenile Transient Ischemic Attacks
Dzinaj, T; Funk, M; Schmidt, H; Böttger, S; Güngör, T; Klarmann, D; Kreuz, W: Radiological Score in Paediatric Haemophilic Patients with Early and Late Onset of Factor VIII - Prophylaxis